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Amerindian Theorem Of Time / Teorema Ameríndio do Tempo / Almanaque Amerindio del Tiempo
It is a mathematical method to "see" the interactions of numerical bases systems at a form of colors in antique "Amerindian" calendar systems. Time in Earth is the interaction of several types of calendars: 365, 360, 260, 117 and 40 "tropical days” among others calendars. 1 year = 365 days and after 18980 days or every 52 years a plus of 13 days is added, then after 46746 days or every 128 years we skip or subtract one day.
The period of 9*52*365+117-3 days or 468 years and 3 Months 3 Weeks and 3 Days (114 days) is a time for change in human society located at the same place. The accuracy is 99, 99999940587366% between the "tropical year"...