One Take Media Co. was formed to be a successful conduit between high quality content producers, content channels & distribution from across the globe and to the right audiences. Our mission is to transcend geographical and linguistic boundaries as we feel that entertainment and education should be accessible to everyone.
Hollywood English Movies dubbed in Hindi aims to provide you quality HD content in genres like Action, Thriller, Sci-Fi, Horror, Adventure, Fantasy.
You can also download our app Playflix on your iOS & Google Playstore to watch more movies dubbed in various regional language. Playflix also caters to genre in Kids Nursery Rhymes, Kids Series, Indian Master chefs cooking videos, Korean Dubbed In Hindi.
With over thousands of hours of content, One Take Media Co. offers content licensing services, acquires TV rights, VAS/SVOD Channels etc. across a wide array of genres and formats.
To know more about us, visit