AMV making is an artform.
It is a display of beauty, creativity, passion, joy, sorrow and amazement. An AMV maker capable of ensnaring viewers to then plant smiles and wows on their face is at the peak of what it means to Edit. AMV makers, I tell you to never give up if you enjoy doing it because AMVs are not only forms of entertainment, but powerful items that can influence others to see beauty in music, video animation and life. AMVs can make people go wow. It can make them want to do something. It motivates people, and that, motivation, is something I feel to be an essential aspect of living. A life void of motivation is not living. People need something to look forward to, need a goal to achieve and something to enjoy. AMVs can give people that.
So make a difference in the lives of others and continue to edit. See AMVs for more than cut-up clips synched to music, see them for what they can be at their highest form.
Discord: Xyik #5775