44 lectures in English for PhD, MSc students and postdocs. 23 lecturers who are specialists from all over the world gave these lectures with animated powerpoint supports and videos. Our podcast deals with various aspects of parametric nonlinear optics: classical and quantum pictures, geometries, materials, devices and applications. The 45 lectures were recorded during the first International School on Parametric Non Linear Optics (ISPNLO). It was organized By Pr Benoit Boulanger, Pr Robert W. Boyd and Pr Patricia Segonds. ISPNLO took place at Les Houches in France from 25th April to 1rst May 2016.
The housing being limited, only 59 students had the chance to attend this school and live with the lecturers during 15 days. This school was labelled as an event of the International Year of Light 2015 (IYL 2015), and it was a thematic school of Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).It was sponsored by IYL 2015, CNRS, Société Française d’Optique (SFO)