Your home for Army Medicine Programs!
My name is SFC Luis Perez (aka RecruiterPerez). I'm an Army Medical Recruiter. I help healthcare professionals to practice their profession and serve as medical officers for the U.S. Army.
The Army offers the Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP) to students who want to become providers.
This program could be for you if you are pursuing a career in one of these fields:
Medical (including Osteopathy)
Counseling and Clinical Psychology
The Army Medical Department (AMEDD) is Composed of Six Corps. Each MEDCOM Corps has a specific function, and the corps members work together as a team to maintain the U.S. Army's high standards in patient care.
The Six Corps are:
Medical Corps
Dental Corps
Veterinary Corps
Specialist Corps
Nurse Corps
Medical Service Corps
This channel provides information on the different Army Medical Programs and the application requirements.