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Oliver Mason

773 subscribers - no pronouns set

Welcome to my new channel! 😊 I have been in recovery, a rec

"I never thought I'd inject crystal meth" #podcast #recoverypodcast "You can't change the past but you can grow from it!" #podcast #slaa #recovery Why I'm Obsessed With You & We Break Up 3 Weeks Later! #podcast #recovery Relationships & OCD #podcast #ocd "I sat on the floor crying for an hour & no one spoke to me" #podcast #mentalhelp Growing Up With OCD #podcast #mentalhealth #podcastclips Where to Get Mental Health Support #podcast #mentalhealth "ADHD craves the extra dopamine hit!" #podcast #mentalhealth #podcastclips "Learn to become comfortable feeling uncomfortable" #podcast #mentalhealth "This decision saved my life!" #podcast #mentalhealth #anxiety #ocd "Im grateful that I'm an alcoholic!" #podcast #mentalhealth #recovery Sober Curious, Heavy Drinking & Alcoholism - What's the Difference? #podcast #mentalhealth #recovery 90% of Parents Experience Frightening & Intrusive Thoughts? #podcast #mentalhealth #postnatal "Your primary addiction isn't alcohol - it's relationships" #podcast #mentalhealth #recovery "Shame is a barrier to getting help" #podcast #mentalhealth #recovery "I had no regard for my safety" #podcast #mentalhealth #recovery Heavy Drinking Vs Alcoholism #podcast #mentalhealth #recovery #podcastclips "I'm the child of an alcoholic - I know how this ends" #podcast #mentalhealth #recovery "I use substances to run from emotions" #podcast #mentalhealth #recovery #recoverypodcast "Drinking prevented me having a relationship with myself" #podcast #mentalhealth #recovery How I Got Sober at 21! #podcast #mentalhealth #recovery School of Rock Bottom is on all platforms ❤️ #podcast #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness "It's a miracle Im sat here today" #podcast #mentalhealthawarenessweek Why Are Creatives More Likely to Be in Recovery? #podcast #mentalhealth Do Only Mothers Get Postnatal Depression? #podcast #mentalhealth #postnataldepression "It's all about validation that the person is into me" #podcast #loveaddict Inside the Mind of a Love Addict #podcast #mentalhealthawareness The 7 Day Mental Diet 💖 #podcast #mentalhealth Can Athiests Do the 12 Steps? #podcast #mentalhealth "Thank God I didn't kill someone!" #podcast "I'm a spiritual being having a physical experience!" Agree? #podcast #mentalhealthawareness Perfectionism Mixed With Self-Loathing! #podcast #mentalhealth "Would you tell someone with a peanut allergy to eat some nuts?!" #podcast #recoverypodcast "Addiction mugs off your future self!" #podcast #mentalhealth #addictionrecovery 44 years sober! #podcast #mentalhealth "Don't make decisions based on what other people think & fear!" #podcast #mentalhealth #anxiety BAFTA winner Cathy Tyson #podcast BAFTA winner Cathy Tyson: "I was obsessed with not being enough" #podcast #mentalhealth The Stigma of Being Sectioned #podcast "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!" #podcast The Essential Role of Mental Health for a Diverse, Inclusive Workplace #podcast Suicide Prevention #podcast "I was known to the police... I had to take my destiny back!" #podcast Acting in Top Boy ❤️ #podcast #topboy "Crack is like a giant - you have to knock it out!" #podcast #addiction #addictionrecovery #WorldBipolarDay #BipolarStrong #WorldBipolarDay2024 #WBD2024 #podcast "The day I chose to give up crack" #podcast #addictionrecovery Life After Prison: From Crack Drug Lord to Top Boy Actor! School of Rock Bottom #podcast