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Diaries of a girl abroad

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Ich fühle mich einsam im Winter… #einsamkeit #selbstliebeimwinter #einsamkeitüberwinden #shorts Happy Valentine's Day! You’re worth it ALL! #shorts I will love you either way... #shorts Someone To You (und die deutsche Version) - loveee this #shorts Journaling & Vision Boards: Glow-Up-Tipps, die du 2025 kennen MUSST! #shorts pov: a semester abroad in Croatia #shorts Bring it on, 2025 🤠 #2025 #2024 #happynewyear #newyear #recap #rückblick #shortsfeed #shorts Studium Update: Hausarbeiten, Uni-Alltag, Studieninhalte & Gedanken | Study Vlog #studyvlog #shorts mach' dir keinen Stress, denn das Leben hat einen Plan #youtubeshorts brunch location in Hamburg #shorts My current struggle… #storytime reminder: go outside more often #shorts I miss THIS... #shortsvideo Being a City and a Country Girl AT ONCE #shortsfeed #country ... und ich bin dankbar, dass mein Leben mir zum Leben reicht.🙏 #grateful You feel like giving up? - Motivational video // YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS #shorts Ziggy Alberts live in concert - LIVE concerts & summer in Hamburg #shorts Have a beautiful morning! #shorts this is my love language... pov: living in Croatia for a semester #shorts Do this tonight before you go to bed! #shorts I hope this helps... #shorts This Is Me #shorts I’m Thinking About Leaving Germany… #shorts #shortsvideo Schön, dass du hier bist! 💓 #shorts #shortsvideo a little reminder for you... the need to always be productive... why is that? #shortsvideo what I wouldn't want to miss when I'm traveling #shortsvideo Happy St. Nicholas Day to everyone! 💗 Here are some special moments in my life #shortsvideo what always helps me when I'm sad... #shorts zeig' dir das Märchenland... #shortsvideo rule the world #song #shortsvideo the dog of my Aussie fam :) #shorts magical moments in thailand #shortsvideo pov: you're finally on your way to fly toThailand (after a cancelled flight) #shorts his voice... #shortsvideo singing for peace #shortsvideo food lover #newvideocomingsoon #shorts the sound of water is healing #shortsvideo pov: eating breakfast at the bus/taxi stop at the airport in 📍 Melbourne #shorts #melbourne some snippets of my Insta account #shortsvideo #shortsvideo be here now :) 18th birthday celebrations #shorts dancing with my eyes closed #shortsvideo