Hi there! I’m whatnot. I am in no way related to any other channels called whatnot, (at least I think I am...) anywho, I make animations and drawing videos, and will take any viewer suggestions for video ideas. Hope you like my videos, and be safe!
Did you think that was it? No way. I’m not done introducing myself. This is a clean and completely appropriate channel, so it’s rated “W” for “whoever you are, you can watch.” Also, that means comments should be clean, and not poke fun at people in a malicious or disdainful way. Anyways, enjoy scrolling through YouTube, if that’s what ya do, and in the wise words of somethingelseYT, “always wear your stay hydrated.”
If you ever see me commenting anywhere, feel free to say hi. I just like to comment and make people’s day a bit better. I would rather be known for my content and not for being a commenter, as I just want to spread a bit of joy and support for YouTubers all over.
Name: Whatnot
Pronouns: He/him