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For all my beautiful souls dancing to the rhythms of the Uni

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Posted 4 weeks ago

I recently heard the Lakota lullaby and absolutely just fell in love with the song and listen to it everyday. The first one was a cover though I believe sung by a Brazilian artist Alexia, which was beautiful, but I felt it was only right to share one that is sung by a Lakota woman. I obviously didnā€™t know the meaning of the words so itā€™s nice she translated it. I play it and try to sing it to Skyler especially since his middle name is Night so it feels extra special.

I also want to add that I just finished watching this show called 1883 (on paramount- you can probably get a free trial week or month subscription) after seeing a bunch of short clips of scenes on my feed. It did not disappoint. I loved it. It was so intense, real and poetic all at the same time. I think all the actors did a great job. I had tears in my eyes and cried pretty much the whole last episode of the season like a big baby.

I shared with you guys that this year 2025 was going to be a very spiritual year and I have found myself more drawn to Native American/ Indigenous culture, history, music etc. Everything Iā€™ve been learning and realizing has just blown my mind. Itā€™s a mix of deep sadness & anger. But at the same time has fueled a Fire of strength in my heart to be guided by truth to do whatā€™s right and be a part of creating a better world and future. I might not be able to do much, but I will do what I can to be a voice to fight against evil and darkness that taints so many hearts.

33 - 0

Posted 4 weeks ago

Too good wowšŸ™Œ On repeat šŸ”

62 - 4

Posted 1 month ago

Anyone else experienced a holiday/break they didnā€™t actually get to enjoy? Cause samešŸ¤§šŸ¤’ So Iā€™m sorry to announce that there will be no weekly reading until next week because Iā€™m sick and still recovering. I hadnā€™t gotten this sick in like 3 years since I moved from Cali, but wow I got hit hard. Our whole family. First it was Skyler (1st time heā€™s ever been sick) but luckily only lasted 24 hrs, then Sam and lastly me. I was going through it guys and still not 100%. Tomorrow is actually Samā€™s birthday too so itā€™s a bummer we werenā€™t really able to celebrate but at least heā€™s doing better now. We got hit with the winter storm here in Indiana so Sam is working from home today. But on the bright side itā€™s beautiful and white out and those who know me know I LOVE the snow so at least we have a nice winter wonderland view while sipping my lemon ginger honey teaā„ļøā›„ļø

Mars Rx went back into Cancer where it falls so not too much action is going to be taking place. Some might even stop caring about stuff they used to care about with this Rx. In my case Iā€™m physically being forced to sit down and relax. On the 8th Mercury goes into Capricorn so we will start thinking & communicating in a more practical and serious way about reality and what we are building or working towards. Then on the 11th the North node will be in Pisces now shifting our whole spiritual path from cardinal fire Aries (about independence, individuality, initiating) to mutable water Pisces where now we are being called to go within, heal and nurture our wounds, practice more love and compassion for ourselves and others, start dreaming again, not rely only on the physical, but also what we canā€™t see like our spirit & intuition. These are going to be things many are going to start questioning and struggling with because we will automatically fall back on our comfort zones aka the south node in Virgo where our familiarity will be things such as work, money, health, routines, schedules, plans, structure, worrying, stressing. Itā€™s going to feel like being in those energies makes more sense and is realistic, but itā€™s going to be important to find a healthy balance so we donā€™t completely become disconnected from our spirit and spiritual path in pisces that WANTS us to BELIEVE even if it seems like all odds are against youāœØ

Take care everyone and talk soonšŸ©µ

359 - 22

Posted 3 months ago

Happy Saturday aka Saturnā€™sšŸŖ day! Iā€™m doing this quick ab workout while Skyler takes his first nap and I repeat it 3x without breaksšŸ’¦ Saturdays are great days to practice some form of restriction, discipline or do something challenging for yourself. So for me thatā€™s ab workouts since after having a baby my core hasnā€™t been the strongest. I can do arms and lower body dumbbell and high intensity workouts without much struggle, but I definitely struggle most with my core so thatā€™s the area I try to give a little more time and attentionšŸ˜…

66 - 2

Posted 4 months ago

My workout today for Thursday aka Jupiter day (Sagittarius/Pisces) I repeat it 3-4x with 8 or 10lb dumbbells so I can fit it within 30min and still have time to shower and maybe quickly eat, laundry, etc while Skyler takes his first nap in the morning, which can be anywhere around 1hr to 1hr 30min. I thought I would start sharing my workouts with you guys especially for my moms out there because I know many of us have very limited time for ourselves while still trying to juggle everything and still take care of ourselves and stay healthy/fit etc. I like to just pick one or a few go to workouts for each day so that way its simple, easy and I donā€™t have to think about it. Alright time to sweat & get strong!šŸ¦µšŸ’Ŗ šŸ’¦

61 - 0

Posted 4 months ago

Loving this new song by a BEAUTIFUL Scorpio! Sheā€™s a living breathing Stellium too with the sun, moon, Venus, Jupiter & Pluto all in Scorpio. Iā€™m such a sucker for some feel good R&B love songs, which has become less and less common these days so this gem made me so happy. ā€Ŗ@ellamaiā€¬ āœØšŸ«¶šŸ¤

122 - 0

Posted 4 months ago

Wow Daylight Savings Ending & that whole transition is rough with a baby lol Sky guy is now waking up @5am instead of 7amšŸ˜© PTSD trauma from last year is kicking in lmao sending strength to all my parents or soon to be parents out therešŸ˜…šŸ™ƒ

250 - 5

Posted 4 months ago

For all my single people out there! I like this oneā˜ŗļø

60 - 1

Posted 5 months ago

Hi Everyone! Happy Libra Season & Fall EquinoxšŸ‚šŸā˜•ļø
So, there will be no Weeklyā€™s for September 23-29 or Mid Monthly. My husband had to go out of state so I had no help with Skyler. But I will see you Next week for your October Monthly and the next set of weeklyā€™s!

Hereā€™s a Quick Breakdown of the Weekly Astro Energies:

9/24 - Mercuryā™ļø Trine Uranusā™‰ļø: Gift of thinking & communicating about change in logical practical ways so our actions may be more likely to reflect this.

9/25 - Mercuryā™ļø Oppose Neptuneā™“ļø: ā€œIf I donā€™t see it I donā€™t believe itā€, ā€œIf it donā€™t make dolla it donā€™t make sense, ā€œeff your dreamsā€ type energy lol

9/26 (AM) - Mercuryā™ļø Trine Plutoā™‘ļø: Our mind charged up to go through transformation or destruction for the sake of rebuilding if it makes sense or from stressing about it so much

9/26 (4pm) - Mercury enters Libraā™Žļø: thinking and communicating more about Love, relating, fairness, balance. So our minds shift from practical worries (of work health routines money habits etc) to people and relationships.

9/28 - Sun ā™Žļø Oppose N.Node ā™ˆļø: Our actions may be self sabotaging our future path for the sake of relating and not wanting to step on any toes. While the North Node wants us to be individuals, have our own identity and do it or go it alone if necessary and not be afraid of not having support from others. So we may feel pulled by those two voices.

Hope that helpsšŸ¤

266 - 6

Posted 8 months ago

Hi guys, I apologize for late notice but there will be no weekly read for this week covering July 8-14th. Next video will probably be the mid monthly. But Iā€™ll quickly run down for you the Astro energies for this week if that helps and also a random message that came to me this morning.

Astro Energies July 8-14:
ā€¢ Pallas in Scorpio ā™ļø goes direct (7/9) - Fighting for justice and our worldly connections using emotions either in a manipulative or strategic way (ex. US President Joe Biden having ā€œa coldā€ and or ā€œjet lagā€ to justify the debate performance so that the citizens feel compassionā€¦ lol)
ā€¢ Venus āž Leo ā™Œļø(7/11) - Feeling more drawn towards people, places, things that have or embody more color, flair, drama, beauty, excitement. People may be more expressive, extra, wear brighter colors, change your hair, wear more noticeable outfits, appear fancy/glamorous/luxurious etc. You may start to see more Leo celebs or those with strong Leo placements being talked about or shown as well. All my single Leoā€™s out there, this could be your time to shine and get noticed or asked out on a date, especially while everyone is in their feelings in cancer seasonšŸ˜‰ lol

Intuitive message: So this is for 3 people or 3 groups of people. Donā€™t ask me why just is lol A new idea/thought/opportunity/solution is coming from a flower associated with words from a song/lyric/book/poem associated with happy feelings and there is a connection to South Africa, a person from there or a place there or just that region in general. The flower or plant itself is blue and yellow. Itā€™s delicate and beautiful. I saw a waterfall as well. You have to be quick and go with this when it appears. It will bring positive changes. At first it may feel foreign, but will later make sense.

Iā€™m sorry if that was all over the place, but I had to quickly write it all down as soon I woke up or it was going to leave my mind. Hopefully that reaches whoever it was meant to reach.

Talk soon,
šŸ•Šļø Nic

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