It’s not enough to be ‘JUST EMPLOYED' Know your rights, lead your team, pave your own path to justice!! #thesheriffsroom
The Sheriff's Room believes in standing up for oneself on the ground of knowledge, and inner light. The power of awareness and information makes a man eligible enough to fight for himself.
With this motif we launch a platform to educate people about their legal labour rights as an employee, and how they can tackle difficult situations at the workplace.
The Sheriff's Room has been serving the Labour Industry to secure improvements in pay, benefits,
working conditions, and social status of the employees through collective bargaining.
Employment comes with both benefits and conditions. If a man is well aware of his powers and abilities, he can prove to be wise to both his workplace and the nation.
Important labour laws such as The Minimum Wages Act 1948, The Payment Of Wages Act
1936 etc., would be covered on this platform!!
Stand for self, shape a wiser world!!!