Revealing the other side of historical facts. Revealing historical facts that were omitted and covered up. Revealing the lies of the history of 1965 by the new order regime, straightening out the history of the 1965/1966 events according to the facts and narratives of the victims and perpetrators in the 1965 tragedy. Ratnasari Dewi Soekarno and the 1965 G30S incident #RatnasariDewiSoekarno, #PeristiwaG30S1965, #SejarahIndonesia, #SejarahG30S1965, #SejarahIndonesiaModern, #RatnasariSoekarno, #G30SPKI #PKI, #PeristiwaSejarahIndonesia, #Dekade60an, #Soekarno, #PKI Pengkhianatan, #Gerakan30September, #Enemies State, #PKI Massacre, #New Order, #Soeharto Regime, #DemocracyStruggle, #1965 Coup,, #Political Crisis #Ratnasari Dewi Soekarno and the 1965 G30S Event #SEJARAH_Gelap_Indonesia, #G30SPKI,