Since 1851 – a strong and innovative group of companies.
As a family-owned and operated business, Erbe develops, manufactures,
and markets systems for professional use in various medical disciplines all
over the world.
Since the company's foundation, Erbe has continuously reshaped and
adapted its business to an ever-changing reality in several key disciplines
such as gastroenterology, general surgery, gynecology, pulmonology and
urology. The portfolio comprises devices and instruments for
electrosurgery, vessel sealing, plasma surgery, cryosurgery, hydrosurgery,
and imaging.
Over the last ten years, sales have increased by 75% with an 85% increase
in employees to over 2.000 colleagues worldwide. Today, the international
group of companies is represented in 110 countries around the world with
sales and service units, sales and production units and an international
distributor network.