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If Daniel Did

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Content for digital nomads and remote-working entrepreneurs.

If Daniel Did
1 year ago - 5 likes

So much natural beauty across the US landscape.

I’ll be sharing some of these with you in upcoming videos.



If Daniel Did
1 year ago - 15 likes

I have no update to share 😀

I just want to say thank you to everyone who watches my videos and/or subscribed.

Heading back to the US this weekend and I've got some interesting content planned for the coming months. It involves me being outdoors making videos - which I absolutely DO NOT enjoy, but I'm sure y'all are gonn love it. 😂

Stay tuned.

If Daniel Did
1 year ago - 13 likes

Getting a second residency has never been easier than in Paraguay.

- Territorial tax system 👮
- Super affordable 💰
- Self-sufficient (Food/Water in abundance) 🍱
- Relaxed atmosphere 🏔️
- 2yrs temp -->10 yrs perm residency
- Easy requirements for the above

I had a chat with ‪@Planbparaguay‬ breaking all these down in great detail.

Watch here:

If Daniel Did
1 year ago - 13 likes

My workday usually starts around 3pm to 5pm on my busiest days, but I have to start working on my personal projects way earlier than that.

So, even though I get some flexibility, the time zones sometimes means that I have 10-12 hour work days at times.

Not complaining, just something you should keep in mind. 😁

If Daniel Did
1 year ago - 10 likes

Did a feature in one of the foremost economic magazines in Albania - Monitor.

I talked about the digital nomad landscape, nomad visas, and remote work in Albania in general.

This was done in English, so hopefully, you’ll be able to enjoy my thoughts when it releases.

Stay tuned.

If Daniel Did
1 year ago - 11 likes

The morning always starts with a walk around the city, a nice latte at a local spot then client work later in the day.

Always grateful to be able to live this life.

Remember, folks, Impossible is nothing.


If Daniel Did
1 year ago - 16 likes

Enjoying the sun out here at the grand park of Tirana. What a lovely day!

If Daniel Did
1 year ago - 14 likes

We had a little gathering of expats and digital nomads (some behind the camera) here in Tirana over the weekend.

Local booze and baked chicken were in abundance 😃. Then we finished with a game of Fútbol.

It was definitely a fun time!

If Daniel Did
1 year ago - 14 likes

Digital nomad visas are dropping left and right but most people don’t qualify.

How do you set yourself up to qualify for them?

I talk about 5 steps you can take to get ready to apply in my next video - as an employee, business owner or Freelancer.

Video drops in a few hours.

Stay ready!

If Daniel Did
1 year ago - 3 likes

I’m thinking about doing a livestream, talking and answering questions about the Digital Nomad life in Albania and in general.

Would you be interested? If I get enough ‘Yes’, I’ll do it.