Hello, I am Thomas! Welcome to my youtube channel and thank you for being here. I began this channel to add value to all who come. I wish that sharing a part of my 60+ years of experience on this earth can help you.
If you have been challenged with negative thoughts and actions that have lead to a dependence on food, sex, alcohol, drugs etc. like I have then perhaps we have something in common. If we have common challenges, then perhaps the same is true of the solutions. It can’t hurt to try right?
My almost 13 years of sobriety from all mind altering substances cleared away the fog. I could now see that my total inability to form a true partnership with myself and other people was killing me.
I took 3 steps.
1. Stop drinking
2. Stop thinking
3. Started listening to others who learned to stop drinking, thinking and whose lives got better!
This opened the door for me to begin to truly care about myself, my body and others.
Subscribe to learn more.