Dr. Han Woo Park is a Professor in the Dept. of Media & Communication, Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs of Digital Convergence Business and East Asian Cultural Studies, and Founders of Cyber Emotions Research Institute (at YeungNam University) and WATEF (World Association for Triple Helix & Future Strategy Studies), South Korea. He was a pioneer in network science of open and big data in the early 2000s (often called Webometrics) when he used to work for Royal Netherlands Academy and lead the World Class University project. He has published more than 100 articles in SSCI Journals. He is currently Chief Editors for Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia and Quality & Quantity. Several publications were included in top 10 list of downloads and citations. He has been co-awarded the best paper in EPI-SCImago in 2016 and included in the list of core-candidates of the Derek de Solla Price Memorial Medal in 2017 and 2019.