Bloody Mary New Orleans Voodoo Queen, celebrity ghost hunter, psychic medium and author invites you, inside the ghost box in 3 exclusive haunted houses in New Orleans and cemeteries. You can actually come behind the scenes to intimate spirit sessions in Seance, ghost hunts and tours as you Learn and do. Get the inside story as we broadcast to you from the otherside of New Orleans.
Explore Paranormal, the Occult, Swamp Magic & Voodoo culture on in all the seasons, Season 2 just finished and lets meet the spirits from Bloody Mary's tours! . We take you inside The Voodoo Queen Marie Lavaeu's haunted house, the Haunted museum 200 year old builidings and now focus on the haunted collection plus inside my haunted Haunted house seen on countless tv shows - even Ghost Adventures! Now Season 3 focuses on the vessels, haunted dolls & voodoo dolls in these haunted houses Aug 30 just in time for Labor day
Join in on many Paranormal adventures here or live in New Orleans with us.