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546 subscribers - no pronouns :c

Our focus is on the social determinants of health and health

4 Videos
Fourth COVID-19 Conversation Series - Shifting worldviews: Stories about advancing equity and justice
2 Videos
Let’s talk about applying intersectionality in public health: A two-part webinar series
2 Videos
La notion d’intersectionnalitĂ© en santĂ© publique : Parlons-en – une sĂ©rie de deux webinaires
3 Videos
NCCDH Anti-Black Racism and Public Health Series
3 Videos
CCNDS SĂ©rie de webinaires sur le racisme Ă  l’égard des personnes noires et la santĂ© publique
5 Videos
NCCDH COVID-19 Conversation Series: Recovery and regeneration in the face of overlapping crises
5 Videos
[CCNDS] Série de conversations sur la COVID-19 : rétablissement et régénération en dépit des crises entrecroisées
5 Videos
NCCDH Webinar: Equitable and Age-Friendly Communities
5 Videos
Webinaire du CCNDS : Politique publique pour l’équitĂ© et le vieillissement en santĂ©
5 Videos
NCCDH Webinar: Public Policy for Equity and Healthy Aging (2022)
5 Videos
NCCDH Webinar: Living health equity values part 2: Promoting alignment between intention and practice (2021)
4 Videos
NCCDH Webinar: Health equity in student research: Sexualized violence services and pandemic homelessness policy (2021)
5 Videos
NCCDH Webinar: Rethinking vaccine confidence: Supporting uptake through equitable community responses (2021)
3 Videos
Webinaire du CCNDS : Du risque Ă  la resilience : conversation 5 (2021)
3 Videos
NCCDH Webinar: Risk to resilience: COVID-19 and health equity conversation 5 (2021)
1 Videos
NCCDH Webinar: Movement-building for system change and health equity (2021)
3 Videos
Webinaire du CCNDS : Du risque Ă  la resilience : conversation 4 (2021)
3 Videos
NCCDH Webinar: Risk to resilience: COVID-19 and health equity conversation 4 (2021)
1 Videos
Webinaire du CCNDS : L’Outil d’apprĂ©ciation des effets de l’action intersectorielle locale
1 Videos
NCCDH Webinar: The Tool for Assessing the Effects of Local Intersectoral Action
3 Videos
Webinaire du CCNDS : Du risque Ă  la resilience : conversation 3 (2021)
3 Videos
NCCDH Webinar: Risk to resilience: COVID-19 and health equity conversation 3 (2021)
5 Videos
NCCDH Webinar: Let’s talk: Whiteness and health equity (2021)
3 Videos
Webinaire du CCNDS : Du risque Ă  la resilience : conversation 2 (2021)
3 Videos
NCCDH Webinar: Risk to resilience: COVID-19 and health equity conversation 2 (2021)
4 Videos
Webinaire du CCNDS : Du risque Ă  la resilience : conversation 1 (2021)
4 Videos
NCCDH Webinar: Risk to resilience: COVID-19 and health equity conversation 1 (2021)
4 Videos
NCCDH Webinar: Health equity impacts of a changing climate part 2: Communicating and change-making (2021)
4 Videos
NCCDH Webinar: Health equity impacts of a changing climate part 1: From assessment to action (2021)
4 Videos
NCCDH webinar: Measuring what counts in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic: Equity indicators for public health (2020)