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Three Acres Of Marche, Italy.

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My name is Richard. Welcome to my channel which is all about

Three Acres Of Marche, Italy.
5 days ago - 191 likes

Hello everyone, I am travelling quote a lot over this coming week so it may take me longer than usual to reply to all the comments, emails and DMs. Thanks all. I hope you all have a great week and thanks for watching.

The next video has a little adventure to the Northern end of Le Marche where I take a look around and show you a little of there is plenty of progress on the house!

Three Acres Of Marche, Italy.
1 week ago - 361 likes

Hello everyone,👋

Many of you picked up on the houses nearby that may be for sale so I thought I would give you a little update. I have reached out to a local friend who grew up in Corinaldo to help. His family know most people in the area and so it should not take long to find the owners and ask if they are for sale. I am sure this will open up a few new listings so I will see what that brings…

**For clarity** I will not be seeking a cut or commission on any introductions that I make for you all. I will be happy to help introduce people and then step away. If anybody does want me to do something specifically for them, such as view a house to save the travel, then that could be different and I am sure we could work something out to cover costs. I have no plans to get into selling houses (my plate is full enough! 😂)

New video out on Friday which includes a little tour slightly inland to show you the space surround the part of Le Marche that I am in. I am in Corinaldo btw. 😎


Three Acres Of Marche, Italy.
1 month ago - 289 likes

Hello everyone,
A new video is uploading and will go out tomorrow.

For those that have been here since the start - thank you for sticking with it - but just to let you know that this was the first video that I gathered footage for since I turned the channel on meaning this is the first one I made after reading the feedback from you all that take the time to comment. (Sounds quality was poor - font and font size was a biggy - storytelling a little jumpy)

Previous to this I would gathered random clips that I didn’t think through and then tried to piece a story together after I reviewed what I had. Top tip for those thinking of starting a channel - don’t do it that way as it takes days to edit! I hope that from here on in that my storytelling gets better…..but I still have so much to learn.

Keep the comments coming and please let me know if something is not quite right as it comes through at your end on the device you watch on. For the stat lovers, nearly 60% of you watch on a TV.

Thanks again. I really appreciate the support and good wishes. Enjoy your weekends and I hope it’s sunny where you are.

Cheers all.

PS = for those asking for help to buy a house in Italy - while many have contacted me questions I have helped two couples with a few things. Both are already at the stage of offers and dates to complete and get their keys! Wonderful….more on all of that soon as that has been great fun to be a part of.

Three Acres Of Marche, Italy.
1 month ago - 322 likes

Hello everyone,
I am settling into a nice routine with the posting every two weeks. If there is chance to post more, I will.

A video is uploading at the moment so should be ready to be published later today. This one is back to the house renovation and I don’t plan on doing an Q&A style chatty video for a while but please feel free to ask or suggest any subjects that you are interested in knowing more about or seeing.

For those that have been here since the start - thank you - but to be honest, this is the first video that I shot since starting the channel. All previous videos were ad hoc filming with no great story telling as I was not sure if I was going to do YouTube and I did not really know what to film and what to ignore. Since the launch and receiving the feedback, the support has been amazing and has really motivated me to improve and make better videos as I go. I am really enjoying this and thank you all for joining me along the way.

I am getting lots of emails and DMs from people so please do contact me if you have a question that you do not want to put on YT for all to see.

Cheers all.Richard.

Three Acres Of Marche, Italy.
2 months ago - 224 likes

Hello everyone,

It has been a funny week in Italy. Some days have been blazing sunshine with summer temperatures with other days being a little moody and cool with big thunderstorms. No flood though…phew! 😎

There will be an upload later today that follows on from the previous video that I made answering questions and covering the details of the search and buying process. This one covers the planning permission side and the challenging rollercoaster that I put myself on. Lots of mistakes made so I hope that my errors provide some useful information to those looking to buy a house, a one euro house, or a pile of rubble in Italy.

Obtaining planning permission is a dance and I hope that this covers that dance as well as I could.

As usual, there is lots to tell and lots to cover so I hope I have given it a decent overview that helps. Please feel free to ask questions and DM me if you don’t want your questions to be open on YouTube.

Have a great weekend. I will get back onto the house work and Italian adventures in the next one.

Cheers all.

PS - I nearly went with this image for the thumbnail but went with text over an image of the house instead. Bring on the two thumbnail options for the rest of the world asap YT please! (America has this feature already) Thumbnails and titles are the hardest part….for this thinking of getting into this YT thing! 😂

Three Acres Of Marche, Italy.
2 months ago - 353 likes

Hello everyone,I hope you had a nice week. 👋

I have been working on the video covering the planning permission side to show what was rejected, why, and what they would have said yes to. The story has a few gaps so I will head out over the weekend to film those and hope to have that out through next week.

Besides, I don’t want to fall into the weekly video YT pressure. My plan is to get three decent videos out per month as time permits. The is a long journey and as I am enjoying the story telling and days out so much I want to keep improving on how these are presented.

Feel free to watch again or share the content! 😂

It is festival weekend in Corinaldo but as it is a family event I doubt I will be able to show you much of it - you will have to come visit for yourselves one day! 😎

Thanks all - I really do appreciate all of your support and comments.Have a great weekend.


PS - To explain the photo...I upgraded the shower head and got way too excited about how good it is….maybe I am going slightly mad. It’s the small things in life, right? 🙌

Three Acres Of Marche, Italy.
2 months ago - 192 likes

Hello everyone. A late publish today as my first attempt at 4k took nearly 8 hours to upload as I was working all day on the same intenet connection. Anyway, it is finally up.

I like this one. I feel that it is my best attempt so far to show you the pace of life here in Italy. It feels like a nice one with the house renovations coming along, slowly, and the adventures away from the house exploring the best that Italy has to offer.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Three Acres Of Marche, Italy.
2 months ago - 183 likes

Hello everyone,👋
I hope you have had a nice week. I popped back to England earlier this week…cold and wet is all I can say!

Thank you to those that gave me the nudge to update the banner for TV viewers. Now that the website is live and getting some sign ups I am working on the blog content for those looking for more information and tips.

There is a new video being loaded up and should be ready to go for tomorrow. I hope you enjoy it.

With the last few videos being all about the house renovation I wanted to try get back to the split of some house updates and some lifestyle out and about stories.

As always, I really appreciate all of the support and love the messages, emails and DMs I get. With my inbox now starting to getting quite busy I am allocating time per week to read and reply so apologies if you don’t hear back quickly but I will get to them as best I can. Work life balance and all that….

It is forecast to be 29degrees over the weekend so I may be tempted to get the SUP pumped up and head down the coast! 😎


Three Acres Of Marche, Italy.
3 months ago - 253 likes

Hello everyone,👋

I hope you had a nice weekend. As it was a double bank holiday in the UK I managed to get 4 days in a row working on the house….it is fair to say I am exhausted now! 😅

I’m hoping to get the next video up for Thursday or Friday this week. This one from November will show me starting the opening of the kitchen wall and having a long battle with a wooden beam fitting late at night. 💪

It’s a dusty one….here is sneak peak at the thumbnail that I think I will use.

Three Acres Of Marche, Italy.
3 months ago - 228 likes

Well…that last video brought out a fair few comments. Maybe me saying ‘large flat area’ was not the right choice of words. 😳 😁

As I post a new video I thought I would add a post on here showing the type of images that have caught my eye regarding the landscaping. In reality, the entire area will be determined by the way that the back of the house is cleared. The 'large flat area' will more likely be two average size terraces. One alongside the side of the house (which is flat already) and a small terrace away from the house for dining etc.

I take on board all of the comments regarding SWALES which do sound like a great idea so thank you for that guidance.

I hope you enjoy the latest video. The work inside the house finally begins!

See you in the comments.
Thanks all.
Have a great week.
Richard. 🍷
PS - live and real update….it is raining in Italy as I post this.