AMVs and montages maker.
Destiny | Eclipse | team founder.
My editing Software:
* WonderShare Filmora
* Format Factory 4.9
* Audacity
* AAA Logo
* Picosmos
I am a superhero known as the incredible "B U S Y M A N". My superpower is very simple: I start many projects but I do not have enough time to finish them... An exemple? Well my average number of uploads here on my channel is about 2/year. So please, enjoy them! XD
I love animes and video games (so yes I have glasses, I mostly live at night, my social network is composed of computers, phones, gaming devices and I'm single. Oh and the worst thing of all... I AM FRENCH ! So I love bread, wine and women (and yes I speak english! Amazing right!?)
This hilarious description as been written in partnership with the ICP (International Committee of Prejudices)
"This the way the world ends.
Not with a bang but a whimper"
T.S. Eliot "The Hollow Men"