Assalamu Alaikum,
Welcome to Fe Amanillah channel.
I have tried to perform some songs and poems written by myself with love for Allah, love for Prophet, love for all creations of Allah, I hope you will like it.
Friends, the life of this world is temporary, the hereafter is eternal. Humans are mortal, human life is limited, Allah is eternal, the hereafter is unlimited, faith is the capital of the hereafter, deeds without faith are wasted. It is foolish to put the world in front of the hereafter.
Allah's word is the light of darkness, how can he be an intellectual who does not understand the Qur'an? Life is Go with the jewelry of the heart, the jewelry of the heart is to be enlightened by the knowledge of God. The dark world will be destroyed by God with the doomsday.
May Allah Rabbul Alamin grant us all the wisdom to understand and act.
Thank you all
Name: Mohammad Arshed Ali Miah (Cotton Unit Officer People's Republic Cotton Development Board) retired on 2nd February 2017.