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Hi everyone welcome to my world! My name is Ella, and I’m so

17 hours ago - 0 likes

Yong halos pasan mo ang daigdig pero sinasarili mo nalang, I believe " God is good" he is always there for us

1 month ago - 7 likes

In this powerful Bible verse, Jesus teaches us a profound truth about the connection between our actions and their outcomes. He uses the metaphor of a tree and its fruit to convey a deeper message about the importance of cultivating good character.

Just as a tree is known by its fruit, our lives are known by the actions we take and the choices we make. If we strive to be good and virtuous, our actions will reflect that goodness, and the outcomes will be positive. On the other hand, if we engage in harmful or immoral behavior, the effects will be negative.

Let me give you an example to illustrate this point. Imagine a person who consistently shows kindness, compassion, and love towards others. Their actions are like the fruit of a good tree, bringing joy and positivity into the lives of those around them. People recognize the goodness in this person and are drawn to their positive energy.

On the contrary, consider someone who engages in dishonesty, cruelty, and selfishness. The fruit of their actions will be tainted, causing harm and negativity in their own life and the lives of others. People will recognize the negative impact of their behavior and may distance themselves from them.

This verse reminds us that we have the power to shape our lives and influence those around us through our choices and actions. Just as a farmer tends to a tree, we must tend to our character, nurturing it with goodness, integrity, and love. By doing so, we can bear the fruits of righteousness and make a positive impact on the world.

So, let us reflect on this teaching and strive to be like a good tree, bearing fruits of love, kindness, and compassion. May our actions be a reflection of the goodness within us, bringing joy and positivity to those around us. Remember, a tree is recognized by its fruit, and so are we recognized by the way we live our lives.

4 months ago - 0 likes

I'm doing good, manigas kayo 😂😂😂

9 months ago - 0 likes

You wish to be like me, do you know that I'm tired of being me? now do you still want to wish to be like me???

11 months ago - 0 likes

Subject: Seeking Help for Our Family After Super Typhoon Egay

Dear Friends & Strangers,

I hope this message finds everyone well. I am writing to share the heartbreaking situation that my family is facing in the aftermath of Super Typhoon Egay. The typhoon struck our region with tremendous force, leaving us with immense loss and challenges.

My family's home, belongings, and livelihood have been completely devastated, and we find ourselves in a state of utter desperation. We were unable to salvage any of our possessions, and now we are struggling to meet even our most basic needs. Food, clean water, and shelter are scarce, and we are deeply concerned about the well-being of our children, elderly, and vulnerable family members.

In this time of profound crisis, I am reaching out to kind-hearted individuals like you, hoping for your support and assistance. Your donation, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in helping my family recover from this disaster and rebuild our lives.

Our immediate focus is on securing temporary shelter, providing food and essential supplies, and seeking medical attention for those who have been injured. With your help, we can work towards regaining some sense of normalcy and stability.

To contribute to our family's recovery efforts, you can send via Gcash or Bank Tranfer:
Name:May Bagtang
Account #: 09687756312

Bank name: PNB
Account name: May Bagtang
Account #: 222610304897
Swift code: PNBMPHMM

Bank name: BDO
Account #: 005480461584
Account name: May B. Manuel
Swift code: BNORPHMM

I understand that there are many in need during times like these, and I am sincerely grateful for any help you can provide. Your compassion and support will mean the world to my family as we navigate through this difficult period.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and for considering our plea for assistance.

With heartfelt appreciation,
May Bagtang

1 year ago - 0 likes

Laban lang, kasama mo si Lord sa lahat nang laban mo 🙏

1 year ago - 0 likes

With pretty girtlLZ...pageant girlL 2023

1 year ago - 1 likes

Stolen shot's😍😍😍 pretty lady❤️

1 year ago - 0 likes

Love ko to❤️ ‪@McDonalds‬

1 year ago - 0 likes…

Hello everyone kind please support my sister by clicking the photo and reacting heart❤️, and sharing with your FB friends...THANK's a Lot❤️❤️❤️

Your's Ms. Ella