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864K subscribers - no pronouns set

✨~ consistently inconsistent, that’s a guarantee ~✨

1 year ago - 2.2K likes

: kicking off a new era with a video i've been working on for a while :

1 year ago - 1.1K likes

Had some issues with the video/topic I had INTENDED to make as my first video back, and after literally MONTHS of trying different approaches, I just kept hitting a wall with it... So I decided to take the pressure off myself, and make something a bit more straight forward (goal or topic wise) and just allowing my chaotic vibe to flow into that haha... Plus, what I focus on in the vid actively improves my life/enviro. It all lined up, so i just went for it :)

I think the 'new' new video has turned out great tbh!
It's going up this Thursday (10th Nov). Watch it if you wanna!

Looking forward to seeing what you think of it :D

(dw, i will be revisiting the original planned video on personal style in future, just need to figure out what the heck that video even is hahaah)

1 year ago - 1.8K likes

turns out, yes... i pulled the 2 week estimate for the next vid outta my asssss. classic :')

I had intended to get this Self Expression vid out tomorrow (before i go on my first proper vacay since 2019 >:'O), but when your ONLY bathroom is being gutted and re-fitted over previous three weeks... surprise surprise, working from home and recording is suddenly a LOT more of a challenge. so i'm a bit behind on everything (normal for me i guess, smh haha)

BUT...maybe it was meant to be, cus i've managed to get an awesome sponsor on board (genuinely use it everyday kinda scenario). It's the kind of sponsor that I was personally gonna reach out to had they not contacted me first, haha! So that's exciting.

ANYWAY, here's a sneak peek of the current most voted for... THING ;D
gonna be doing something extra creative with what ya voted for in the vid.

will be back Sept 29th! lookin' forward to a quiet house to record in... that, and a working bathroom haaaa.


1 year ago - 754 likes


1 year ago - 4.2K likes

Hello! Long time eh? haaaaa. awks.

Behind the scenes over the last 7 months I've been assessing a load of stuff that wasn't working for me, and how I could bring that sparkle back. Not gonna lie, it wasn't easy... or fun :')
Basically all signs pointed to changing things up... so I took the time (properly this time) to figure out what that could look like, and come up with a plan.
Plan is now in motiooonn, and that means also ensuring there are new videos lined up to release after this one.

The next video is gonna be a bit of an honest chat about how 'storytime animation' kinda backed me into a creative corner, and how I've had to unlearn a load of bad mind sets to finally let go of what wasn't working for me.
It's a bit of a long one, but I wanna talk about it. I think it might be helpful for other people that may have a brain like mine, or struggle with perfectionism.
But also to talk about what i'm excited for going forwards! :D

btw, animation and art isn't completely going away... but things are gonna be different.
This video is going up next week, and the power is yours to decide if ya wanna stick around. :)

~ Jamie

2 years ago - 1.5K likes

YT shorts sure is a wild place huh? haha.

If anyone knows how this chaotic reposting ‘trend’ of an old vid of mine took off, please share your knowledge!
I feel an investigation style video about this bizarre ‘trend’ brewing in my brain. So, if you wanna help contribute, here’s yer chance >:)

- J

2 years ago - 4.9K likes

Dropped off YT to work on some other things, but also to take a personal deep dive into what I want my channel to be, and the kind of content I actually wanna make going forward.
Topics that will get me away from my desk and investigating, learning, and experiencing new things. Getting back in touch with the physical world, and making shit by hand, ya know?
Plus actually working out what would be more sustainable, and bring me the joy and excitement I need.

The next vid is gonna talk through this beautiful mess, and my ideas for the fuuuuttuureeee.

Stick around or don’t. I’m gonna make stuff for me anyway :)

~ Jamie

2 years ago - 920 likes

if I were to make more YT Shorts (vertical format) with me/my character, would you rather them be on a separate channel exclusively for my Shorts? Or would you like to see me upload 'em here?

Extra info: analytics are all over the place right now because one of my Shorts went viral, and I don't think YT knows who my channel is for anymore now, haha awks.
I don't wanna accidentally separate my audience, or for this channel to feel cluttered and incoherent. I realise that whilst many of you enjoy everything I do, some people are subscribed for the more personal and story based videos... others have subscribed because they only watch YT shorts, and don't watch my regular vids... but are asking when more shorts are coming.
It's all a bit weird.

Pros of a separate shorts only channel would mean I could experiment more, be weirder, or go a bit wilder, i guess, haha.

Anyway, if you have any other ideas or thoughts/opinions on this, lemme know! :'D

2 years ago - 4.1K likes

In the upcoming video, I'll be taking you on a trip back to the late 90s/early 00s, to tell you the tales of a SUPER WEIRD toy that became a playground legend.

in the mean time, enjoy this frame of kid me and my besties :'3

2 years ago - 5.4K likes


(this next lil' vid is v.dumb. i love it)