Hi... Welcome all to our channel brAIn Tek.
As you aware, we are living in a world where data is the electricity because it is one of the important features of every organization.it helps business leaders to make decisions based on facts, statistical numbers and trends. There is a massive data explosion that has resulted in the culmination of new technologies and smarter products such as Artificial intelligence/Machine learning, IOT, Big data etc. and we are just landing to an era where these technologies rule the world.
The important question here is are we equipped enough for this technology transformation?
We have a great news for you, we have started a series of lectures on Artificial intelligence/Machine learning so that you can learn even you are novice in these areas
This covers the below Topics:
1. Introduction to Machine learning
2. Mathematics for Machine learning
3.Python for Machine learning-
4. Deep-dive in machine learning
5.Introduction to OpenCV
6. Face recognition