Have TFS Fun Avation Videos, if Planes Could Talk..., and more!
Roblox Username: aisultanabashov68
I'm 10 years old... We reached 304 subscribers...
Birthday: 5 November 2015
My views are 19,360
I Join 5 November 2015
Thanks from 61 SUBSCRIBERS thats so huge
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⚠️ Specifically the earn robux earn to need 25% more robux on gift cards and you need to donate them ⚠️
For reason for gives you to money
I uploaded tomfoolery memes on real life, roblox and more!
Stay tuned!
I got while my friend Is not bad
I'm so Excited to you
I love roblox train: C151C, C151A, C151B, R151, C151, C651
Thanks for 107 subscribers!
By my friend, it's also friend of me
Thank you for 111 subscribers
This is my uploaded video on shorts the robber it lies
Subscribe to him and help to beat a Boeing747Fan!