Chief Strategy Officer by day, Fixer by night. I run a consulting firm with the primary goal of developing leverage for my clients, while being ethically compliant. We offer an array of services from investigating the opposition to gather research to develop personality profiles and dossiers prior to going into a negotiation, acquisition, or settlement, to locating and negotiating with ransomwear attackers, all the way to making sure the guy dating your daughter has good intentions, and much, much, more. We tip the scales in our client’s favor, preserve their interests, and anonymity, to aid in their proliferation of wealth and happiness. We are the top strategy consultants in the country with connections in law enforcement, government, and the legal field. Our Ivy League background enables us to outthink and outwit the competition to provide a top tier outcome for our clients. My corporate motto - “Entropy is the enemy. Once we are onboard, you will see positive change.”