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3 weeks ago - 52 likes

June 29th. The final CloudConnection video. Be ready for it; it could be a beefy one.

4 months ago - 76 likes

Hey everyone. Been a few weeks since I posted anything here, so figured I'd give you all an update and a brief look at things to come. Let's get right to the point: 2024 is the last year I'm uploading videos to this channel as I'm rebranding to another name. (More details below.)

That's going to invite several questions, and I'm planning to release a video going more into my rationale later in the year. But let me answer some of them pre-emptively:

Q: So you're quitting YouTube?
A: Nope! I'm still planning to make gaming videos, but it won't be under the CloudConnection name.

Q: Why are you rebranding?
A: Simply put: I'm looking for a fresh start. As I get closer to launching the new channel, I'll have a more detailed explanation, but I think I've done almost everything I can do as CloudConnection. There are other personal reasons as well, but I'll get into those later.

Q: What will the new channel be called?
A: Stay tuned for that info!

Q: Is the CloudConnection channel being deleted?
A: Absolutely not. The videos on this channel aren't going anywhere.

Q: Will there be any more CloudConnection videos before you rebrand?
A: Yep! In addition to the last two Pokemon rating videos (Gen 8 and Gen 9 Redux), I've got a ranking video for Ocarina of Time in the works that's also almost finished. And I'll end the channel with one last big project that will essentially act as the CloudConnection finale. (Pic related!)

Q: When will this rebrand happen?
A: June 29th, 2024.

Q: What does this mean for the Lupin III channel?
A: It's extremely likely that that channel is ending as well. The long and short of is that I've mostly lost interest in making Lupin content, whether remastering older stuff or creating new stuff. And I don't want to get stuck in a cycle of creating content that I don't care about. Nothing is currently being worked on for that channel, so that channel is essentially on indefinite hiatus.

Q: Did all those famous creators recently quitting or scaling back influence this decision?
A: Technically I first had this idea before a lot of those announcements, but it has influenced it in a sense. Mostly, it made me feel more comfortable going through with this whole thing. I feel that this decision is right for me both as a person and a creator, and I know most of you will understand that. Especially after seeing the output of support towards others who are making similar decisions, I'm more confident that this is what's best for me and the content. I realize my channel is far smaller by comparison to those big names, but seeing them make that kind of choice just bolstered my resolve.

I'm sure you have lots of other questions, which I'm happy to answer. I know change is scary, but I'd rather be upfront about this change before it happens rather than blindside you when I rebrand myself. Again, I know most of you will probably understand, so bear with me as I get everything ready for the future.

Lastly, I want to offer a sincere thanks for all of your support over the years. Hopefully you at least understand why I'm making this change, and whether you follow the new channel or not, I've been incredibly grateful for the love you've all shared for my work. It's thanks to everyone liking videos and leaving nice comments that this channel grew as much as it did, and the fact that CloudConnection got any kind of growth at all in a super competitive landscape like YouTube is fantastic.

The past six years have been fun, but it's time to move on. This isn't goodbye, just the next part of the path I see for myself. Whether you stay on the path with me or not, I hope you've enjoyed the ride so far.

- CloudConnection

6 months ago - 15 likes

More Pokemon ratings out tomorrow! Let's forget about the impending winter cold and take a visit to Alola!

7 months ago - 53 likes

Hey everyone — CloudConnection here with a bit of an update. A lot of stuff's been happening in the past week that's prevented me from working on videos (mostly good, some bad). It's been pretty tiring so I think rather than try to pump out a bunch of videos half-heartedly, I'm gonna start planning for some bigger stuff in 2024. There's gonna be a lot of cool stuff next year and I wanna get a headstart on as much of it as possible.

There will be some videos on this channel throughout the rest of the year, but mostly smaller or already-in-progress projects. (Picture not related.) I've already got one script written and recorded, and the Pokemon Gen 7 rating video is also underway. So hang tight as I gear up for a super awesome 2024. It'll be worth the wait!

- CloudConnection

8 months ago - 14 likes

Hey everyone — got a different kind of video coming out tomorrow! I've been playing a lot of Mortal Kombat 1, and although I'm not a fighting game expert, I wanted to talk about my first impressions from the casual perspective. Look forward to that tomorrow! (Assuming YouTube doesn't go apeshit over the gore.)

9 months ago - 22 likes

Breaking the Backlog returns tomorrow with a look at the Dreamcast classic Jet Set Radio!

9 months ago - 33 likes

Hey everyone — I took some time to overhaul my video schedule a bit to make my workload a little easier. Jet Set Radio's still happening soon (that's actually on the docket for next week) but Hades might be a little while. Hopefully still this year, but I wanna do that one justice.

I've got one last big retrospective project planned for the end of the year which I'm planning to start work on soon. Really excited for that one!

My goal for this channel right now is to not just mindlessly crank out one video at a time. That single-minded approach has worked so far but recently I feel like it's taken its toll on me stress-wise. Hopefully with this new approach, I'll be able to reduce that while still creating awesome videos.

That's all for now. See you next week with Jet Set Radio!

9 months ago - 26 likes

Hey everyone — I need another week on the Jet Set Radio video, but in the meantime, dribson and I are continuing through the Pokemon series to rate all the Gen 6 'mons! This is going live tomorrow!

9 months ago - 50 likes

Who's that flying in? Why, it's the Kirby Air Ride retrospective, coming out tomorrow! (assuming I finish the editing tonight. which I should!)

9 months ago - 10 likes

Hey everyone — I was recently in a collab with ‪@HoodlieRPG‬ on that Lupin III PS2 game! Check it out if you're interested!