During the first few years after I passed out of college. I had absolutely NO CLARITY about what I want to do in life.
My choices were always governed by OUTSIDE of me.
I didn't ask important questions to myself.
I never invested enough time to UNDERSTAND what is it that actually makes me happy.
As a result, I've made some pretty bad choices which cost me IRREVERSIBLE damages.
Having gone through the thick and thins of my life for 30 years
I now know that there is so little focus on the most IMPORTANT things in our culture.
All we were ever taught was to live in a box and never come out of it.
So, I decided I will dedicate the rest of my life to do WHATEVER I CAN to change that.
This channel is created to share information based on personal experiences.
And help people to make the right choices according to them.
I would love to have you as a SUBSCRIBER and join me in our goal of making INDIA better.
Mukta Singh