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2D / 3D Designs / CNC, Machine tools

493 subscribers - no pronouns :c

Hello everybody! My name is CHIN. In this channel I want to

Died of coffee cup! #machine #machinary #lathemachine #automobile #machin #machineshop #cncmachined Repairing Clutch of big Track #machine #machinary #lathemachine #design #machin #machineshop Amazing to create bolt by manual lathe machine! #machine #machinary #machinetools #design #welding How to create long bolts by manual lathe machine! #machine #machinary #machinetools #design #design #machine #cncmachinetool #manufacturingequipment #automobile #cnc #machinetools Repairing parts! #design #machine #cncmachinetool #manufacturingequipment #automobile #machinetools Square thread bolts M35x6mm L=1700mm. #design #machine #cncmachinetool #manufacturingequipment #design #cnc #manufacturingequipment #cncmachinetool #machinetools #machine #cnctechnology #welding Resolving pulley shorts! #design #automobile #tractor #lathemachine #design #automobile #cnc #manufacturingequipment #cncmachinetool #machinetools #machine #machine #design #automobile #cnc #manufacturingequipment #cncmachinetool #machinetools #machine Repairing bearing for replace new. #design #automobile #cncmachinetool #manufacturingequipment Repair Clutch of Tractor! #automobile #tractor #carrepair #machine #repair #crackers #design #automobile #cncmachinetool #manufacturingequipment #cnc #machine #machinetools #welding Manual lathe machine! #design #automobile #cncmachinetool #manufacturingequipment #machine #cnc Drilling with manual lathe machine! #design #automobile #cnc #manufacturingequipment #cnctechnology #design #automobile #cncmachinetool #manufacturingequipment #cnctechnology #machine #machinetools #design #automobile #cncmachinetool #manufacturingequipment #machine #cnctechnology #cnc #welding Skill of lathe. #automobile #cncmachinetool #manufacturingequipment #design #machine #cnctechnology Making thread bolts by lathe machine. #cncmachinetool #manufacturingequipment #design #machine #cnc Thread making by manual lathe machine. #cncmachinetool #manufacturingequipment #design #machine #machine #cnc #manufacturingequipment #design #cncmachinetool #machinetools #automobile #wood #machine #cnc #manufacturingequipment #design #carrepair #spareparts #machinetools #automobile #automobile #carspareparts #cnc #manufacturingequipment #design #machine #cncmachinetool #welding Manual lathe machine. #cnc #manufacturingequipment #design #machine #cncmachinetool #machinetools #cnc #manufacturingequipment #design #machine #cncmachinetool #machinetools #cnctechnology #cnc #cnc #manufacturingequipment #design #machine #cncmachinetool #machinetools #cnctechnology #welding #cnc #manufacturingequipment #design #machine #cncmachinetool #machinetools #cnctechnology #welding #automobile #cnc #manufacturingequipment #design #machine #cncmachinetool #machinetools #cncmilling Repairing. #automobile #cnc #manufacturingequipment #design #machine #cncmachinetool #machinetools #automobile #car #cnc #fyp #design #machine #cncmachinetool #machinetools #cncmachine #welding Resolving bearing of pulley. #machine #cnc #manufacturingequipment #design #cncmachinetool #machine #cnc #manufacturingequipment #design #cncmachinetool #machinetools #cnctechnology #cnc #machine #cnc #manufacturingequipment #design #cncmachinetool #machinetools #cnctechnology #cnc Inner lathe with lathe machine. #cnc #manufacturingequipment #design #machine #cncmachinetool Horizontal wheel of door. #cnc #manufacturingequipment #design #machine #cncmachinetool #cncmachine Inner lathe with manual lathe machine. #machine #cnc #manufacturingequipment #design #machinetools #cncmachinetool #cncmachine #machining Metal material machine. #machine #cnc #machinetools #design #cncmachinetool Metal parts processing with CNC. #machine #cnc #machinetools #design #cncmachinetool #machineshop #cnc #machinetools #design #automobile #cncmachinetool #manufacturingequipment #machineshop #welding #automobile #cnc #machinetools #design #machine #cncmachinetool #machineshop #cncmachine #welding What the CNC Lathe operation? #cnc #machinetools #design #machine #cncmachinetool #machineshop Thread creating! #cnc #machinetools #design #machine #cncmachinetool #machineshop #cncmachine How the CNC Operation. #cnc #machinetools #design #machine #cncmachinetool #machineshop Gear creating! #cnc #machinetools #design #machine #cncmachinetool #machineshop #lathemachine Shalf repairing with manual lathe machine #cnc #automobile #machinetools #design #cncmachinetool Manual lathe machine! #automobile #cnc #machinetools #design #machine #cncmachinetool #lathemachine