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Sylvia cong

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一键切换白天黑夜#shorts #tour 在成都看大熊猫#panda 潮流新玩具——剑玉#shorts #funny 青年艺术家用巨型装置回溯莫文蔚的音乐经典#music #amazing 锅巴饭看起来好香#food #shorts 大熊猫打起来了#panda #cute 莫文蔚演唱会上的服装好惊艳! 猪猪侠在长沙被绑架了?#pig #funny #changsha #cartoon 人生建议,真的要来一次敦煌莫高窟!#tour #shorts 超好喝!日本7—11网红水果奶昔!Japan’s 7-11 popular fruit smoothie is super delicious#food #fruit #shorts 超大个月饼,好多人围观啊Super big moon cake, a lot of people gathered around to watch it#autumn #festival #food 在日本体验长沙面塑#culture #funny #interesting #shorts 湖南展区吸引好多日本民众#funny #culture #park 在日本看大熊猫See pandas in Japan#funny #cute “2024中国节”开幕式有多热闹#culture #tour #festival 日本人的婴儿车里居然是狗狗?There are actually several dogs in a Japanese stroller? “2024中国节”上的湖南非遗#culture #shorts 日本能吃到茶颜悦色零食?还能欣赏湘绣、长沙面塑Eat Changsha snacks and admire Hunan embroidery and dough sculptures in Tokyo 湖南少数民族服饰亮相日本东京Ethnic costumes from western Hunan's Xiangxi region made an appearance in Tokyo, Japan 在果冻海里游泳Swim in the sea#beautiful #swimming #sea 吉隆坡街边吹笛表演Street flute performance in Kuala Lumpur 开一个猫山王榴莲,数数有几瓣Open a Musang King durian and count the petals#food #fruit #durian #shorts 机场里的旅客现场弹奏钢琴Passengers playing piano live at the airport 开进海里的“小黄车”The "little yellow car" driving into the sea#funny 粤菜“摇摇鸡”Cantonese cuisine "Shaking Chicken"#food #shorts 开一个黑刺榴莲Peeling a blackthorn durian#fruit 开一个苏丹王榴莲Peeling a Sultan King durian#fruit 像果冻一样的海#sea #shorts 在仙本那买一个101品种的榴莲Buy a 101-variety durian in Semporna#fruit #shorts 仙本那潜水教练弹唱《lemon tree》 Semporna diving instructor plays and sings "Lemon Tree"#shorts #music 仙本那的潜水“小黑”唱中文歌 发音好标准!#malaysia #semporna #swimming #shorts 飞机上的风景The scenery on the plane#tour #shorts 随机开榴莲Opening durian#fruit #relax 做日式烤肉 流程这么复杂?#food #meat 沉浸式开榴莲#fruit #shorts 逛商场惊现!他到底什么时候睁眼? 是地铁!从长沙直通湘潭北! 老年人乐队太会玩了Old people playing in a band 用辣片也能跳舞Even spicy chips can dance#funny #food 用超大零食盒搭积木Use oversized snack boxes to build blocks 全都是超大号零食All are super-sized snacks 看瀑布,想起李白的唐诗Looking at the waterfall, I think of Li Bai's Tang poetry 超级多大辣片,你见过吗Super spicy chips, have you ever seen it? 超大根火腿肠,一个月才能吃完Super large ham sausage, it takes a month to finish it 中医里的脐灸,肚子上冒烟Traditional Chinese Medicine#amazing 单手抱起超大号爆米花桶Lift the oversized popcorn bucket with one hand 火腿肠也能打架Ham sausage can also fight 买榴莲,开出五瓣肉#fruit