Wanna know?
1 year ago, i created this massive drama with ashley and misty so this is my side of the story
So I was being pretty much stupid at the beginning and i was spamming random shit in the server and i got a 1 hour timeout was like “1 hour not so bad” so i just played kp on roblox until the timeout was finished. then i asked “why” when i wanted to say it only 10 times then. 1 day like bro let me finish. ashley timeout me. My anger issues let in so i got very furious.
i had no thought of asking misty because i thought she’d say “i deserved it” when i did. i wanted revenge on ashley very much so i made a 27 second that is poorly animated kill video and sent it to misty telling her to send it to ashley bc i got so angry on something i shouldn’t have gotten angry for, i had a gut feeling something was gonna go wrong the time as i sent it. yep, she did say all i had to do was ask and now i regret it. Misty hates me so she deleted everything she made/was making of me. I can’t say sry