This is Dr Sushil Rajbhar BHMS (Government Homoeopathic Medical college & Hospital Bhopal ). Doing MD from the same hospital.
Treating patients, patient care and help them in the process of healing is my passion.I have successfully cured various cases viz.,
Covid like symptoms, Varicose veins, Lipoma, Dengue, Typhoid, UTI, Hairfall, Eczema, Sciatica, Menstrual irregularities cases etc.
In this channel i will update you about health and scope of homoeopathy.I will also update educational stuffs for budding homoeopaths.
I am also passionate about teaching . During the journey of BHMS I taught biology to NEET UG aspirants
If you want teleconsultation (video/audio) wassap for appointment on 9131995833
you can book appointments via
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