About CalicoArchives
TLDR: This channel aims to discuss macroeconomics and speculate upon large global trends in a humorous way.
CalicoArchives is a Youtube channel where Calico the cat goes about and interviews other cats.
All the cat images available in the CalicoArchives Etsy shop have profile information for each individual cat. The cats that have not been interviewed will have question marks in their profile but as soon as Calico interviews them, their profiles will then be available for everyone to read in the CalicoArchives Etsy shop.
Profiles are typically the cat's name, interests, personality, habits, plus a famous quote that the cat has said.
Twitter ➤ twitter.com/CalicoArchives
Discord ➤ discord.io/calicoarchives
Youtube ➤ youtube.com/@CalicoArchives
TikTok ➤ tiktok.com/@calicoarchives
Etsy ➤ calicoarchives.etsy.com