⭐️Click here for info⭐️(UPDATED)
Hii! The name’s Maybe[maya or just solaris]
I just like to post community posts on this channel and sometimes videos:]
more Info about me:
I like both red and blue colors!
Originally I was inspired to make this channel for songs and stuff, but I switched to drawing from my friends! I want to thank them for helping me out with this and I appreciate it.
I don’t have a passion for YouTube anymore but I do still like to comment (rarely happens)
So again, thanks for all of you for everything that made it possible and I apologize for not mentioning it clearly as my emotions were kind of down at the time I posted my last video.
Favorite YouTubers are flamingo(Albert), kreekcraft, TSAMS, and Ryan Trahan ✨✨
That’s all I can think of for now! Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day everyone<33
Free 🇵🇸
Last updated 23/10/24