Swankydeal.com is a digital marketplace connecting shoppers for savings on all online shopping, enabling members to compare prices, earn extra cashback and get free coupons from leading national and international online stores. Every time you make a purchase over the internet, we help you save money by using our website or enjoy the benefits of cashback using our Android and iOS apps. We deal with the best e-commerce companies and search the internet to find the best deals and coupons at your favorite online stores. You can make better shopping experience through our powerful Price Comparison Browser Extension shows you the product prices from different retailers to show you where to buy the product affordably.
At Swankydeal, we serving businesses through consultation and development of all marketing communications needs, including Corporate Gifting, Visual & Promotional Merchandising, Printing, Branding, POSM (hard/soft), Creative designing, Trading of Corporate supplies, Signages.