Dr. B. Lipovetskiy’s cutting-edge dentistry practice at Advanced Dental Wellness Center in Florida puts him at the forefront of dentists now using new equipment to perform non-invasive dental therapies.
In practice for 29 years, Dr. Lipovetskiy performs state-of-the-art cosmetic and general dentistry, including implantology and oral surgery. He’s certified in the Invisalign® system which uses clear aligners rather than metal braces.
A caring and compassionate dentist, Dr. Lipovetskiy wants his patients to understand how closely oral health is connected to overall health. He focuses on using mercury-free biocompatible (non-toxic) materials, catching and treating early decay with laser treatments to avoid fillings, and ensuring proper bite to avoid other dental problems.
Dr. Lipovetskiy integrates the benefits of Ayurveda principles in his practice, and Ayurvedic wellness consulting is available. He has created a health-oriented practice with a calming, spa-like atmosphere.