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02:40 The Treibs came in the fall so they survived
09:00 German work ethic and driveways
11:20 The Fredericksburg telephone
13:15 The first electricity in Fredericksburg
14:09 Germans being frugal
15:41 Power only in the evenings
16:23 Television ruined the “parlor”
16:32 Social Security
18:48 Kerosene burned people alive
20:34 No Lederhosen or OCTOBERFEST
22:14 Shape of the church.
22:47 The Comanche treaty that has never been broken.
27:09 Fredericksburg bankrupt.
27:53 Fredericksburg started by German nobles
30:30 The Easter fires
41:41 The Easter bunny war
32:36 Many settlers died getting to Fredericksburg
33:29 Begging for Bag of corn
34:14 Cross mountain
36:13 The saving of enchanted rock.
36:41 Lady Bird Johnson and enchanted rock.
37:44 Lyndon Johnson at church in Fredericksburg.
39:46 Civil War: In the south, but with the north. Hiding in holes.
41:55 Civil War: The Hanging Bands.
Created by Filmaker Brian Hill