Kanali zyrtar i ENZO. Ky kanal menaxhohet nga Folé Publishing. Kopjimi i videove apo këngëve prej këtij kanali është i paligjshëm dhe të gjithë ata që e bëjnë këtë pa leje do të ndjekën penalisht sipas ligjeve në fuqi. Te gjitha të drejtat e rezervuara ENZO & Folé Publishing ©️ & ℗.
Official YouTube channel of ENZO. This channel is managed by Folé Publishing. Copying videos from this channel is unlawful and all those who do without permission are subject to be penalized by the law. All Rights Reserved ENZO & Folé Publishing ©️ & ℗.
Enzo is a singer and lyricist. His music genres are Rap, Reggaeton and Afrobeats. He has produced music since 2005. Enzo returned in 2023 with new inspring projects for international audiences. His songs involve an exciting mix of great energy, dances, and various languages such as English, German, Spanish, Swahili and Albanian. His tracks promote acceptance of different cultures and people.