Heartland Foods is a leading provider of All-Natural and Organic Meats and Vegetables, plus brand name grocery items. We offer fully-aged, grass-fed Black Angus Beef, Mid-Western select Pork, Cage Free lean Poultry, Wild-Caught Seafood, and 100% USDA certified Organic Vegetables. In addition, each order is fully customized to fit your family’s individual needs.
Most importantly, our food is farm specific and 100% chemical free. No antibiotics. No Steroids. No preservatives. No chemicals. No growth hormones. Just all-natural food the way it should be. Plus, because there’s no added junk, our food is absolutely delicious and it makes eating a healthy diet easy.
That’s why Heartland Home Foods is recommended by physicians, chiropractors, personal trainers, dietitians, nutritionists, and other health professionals.