Welcome lovies to the space where I share the things in life that I enjoy, love or find interesting. You'll get a lil bit of everything... from Taste Tests to Hauls to Product Reviews, DIY, Homemade Natural Hair Products, Natural Hair, Protective Styles, Health, Faith & Motivation, Testimonies and more.
** #thestruggleisreal with my 4C Hair sometimes, so I'm just a girl sharing her journey, the good the bad & the in between. Neither am I a Christian who's got it all together, but I'm just sharing my struggles, my victories, my testimonies.my journey to becoming a better me and hopefully I will be able to reach out and encourage others along the way. I'm looking forward to hearing from and communicating with you let's do this together. #becomeabetteryou
Be beautiful, be blessed, be you!
Phillipians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!
If you would like me to review a product, you can contact me via email address provided below