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1 month ago - 0 likes

The Expert Review Meeting for the Health Communication Influence Index Proposal was held in Beijing

In order to strengthen theoretical research and practical innovation in health communication, the Health Communication Index Research Institute drafted the "Health Communication Influence Index Proposal" and held an expert review meeting in Beijing on June 5. Distinguished experts attended the meeting, including Yu Guoming, the Director of the Communication Innovation and Future Media Laboratory at Beijing Normal University; Cai Guobin, a Professor of Surgery at Peking Union Medical College, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences; Wang Yingquan, Editor-in-Chief of the Health Channel (CHTV) of the National Health Commission; Liu Yan, Director of the Consulting Center of the China Brand Influence Laboratory; Guo Xiaobo, Director of the Commerce Statistical Society of China (CSSC) and Senior Vice President of; and Tuo Houjun, Director of the Zhongqing Huayun Project Center.

Liu Zhiming, Chief Expert of the Health Communication Index Research Institute and Chief Editor of the "New Media Influence Index Report" of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, first introduced the background of the Health Communication Influence Index project. He stated that the New Media Influence Index project, initiated in 2013 by the CASS, is a national-level index project that involves broad participation from new media and Large Language Model (LLM) alliance organizations such as the People’s Daily Public Opinion Monitoring Office, Tencent, Sina Weibo, ByteDance, Qingbo Intelligence, and The main research findings are compiled into the annual report "New Media Influence Index Report," which is published annually by the CASS. In addition to the comprehensive evaluation index of new media influence, the project team has successively completed research on cultural tourism influence index, brand influence index, city influence index, and new media international communication power index in collaboration with relevant national ministries and research institutions.

The Health Communication Influence Index project is a crucial component of the National New Media Influence Index System. It is implemented by the collaboration of the Health Communication Index Research Institute, the CASS, the New Media and Big Data Alliance, the Center for Sino-International Communication, as well as other relevant institutions. Relying on data resources from the New Media and Big Data Alliance and the Center for Sino-International Communication, and based on the National New Media Influence Index Model, the Health Communication Index Research Institute integrates resources from government, industry, academia, and research sectors, deeply incorporating AI technology to build a health communication service platform. This platform aims to promote the high-quality development of the medical and health industry. The main tasks of the Health Communication Index Research Institute include:
Building and operating a large health communication database.
Developing an evaluation index system for the health communication index.
Regularly publishing a series of health communication index reports.
Hosting health communication forums.
Providing data and strategic consulting services for the medical and health industry.

Zhang Xi, an expert from the Health Communication Index Research Institute’s Consulting Center, gave a detailed introduction to the Health Communication Influence Index proposal. The introduction covered aspects such as the methodology for establishing the index, research structure, algorithm indicators in various scenarios, research subjects in the health field, index model design, data sources, platform weight, index calculation steps, and formulas.

She stated that health communication power is a crucial component of health brand influence. The design of the index model is based on discerning the significance of data related to influence behavior. The monitoring and research subjects include major new media platforms such as WeChat, Weibo, TikTok, Kuaishou, news apps, Xiaohongshu, and Bilibili. The primary indicators for evaluating communication power include reach, content, and recognition.

Subsequently, experts engaged in a discussion about the Health Communication Index proposal. Ultimately, the proposal was unanimously approved.

SSS Media
3 months ago - 0 likes

On April 19th, the Health Communication Index Research Institute held its inauguration ceremony in Beijing. More than 20 experts from relevant government departments, representatives from the healthcare industry, new media communication, public opinion research, and management consulting attended the unveiling ceremony.

According to the introduction, the Health Communication Index Research Institute is positioned as Center for Sino-international Communications (CISC), initiated and established by the People's Health Channel (CHTV) of the National Health Commission, with academic support from domestic and foreign communication think tanks and member institutions.

Dr. Fang Jun, Director of the People's Health Channel of the National Health Commission, introduced that the People's Health Channel is a national satellite television channel approved by the National Radio and Television Administration, under the supervision of the National Health Commission, and hosted by the China Health Education Center. It is the only national-level television and new media platform for health broadcasting transmitted nationwide via satellite. In the future, the relevant indices released by the Health Communication Index Research Institute will provide scientific basis for national policy formulation, public opinion propaganda, and the selection of popular science content by the public.

Professor Liu Zhiming, Chairman of the Center for Sino-International Communication, gave a comprehensive introduction to the development plan of the Health Communication Index Research Institute under the theme of "Assisting Digital Health Communication". He stated that relying on the Center for Sino-International Communication and the data resources of its partners, based on the national new media communication power index model, the Health Communication Index Research Institute will integrate resources from various sectors such as government, industry, academia, and research, and deeply integrate with AI technology to build a health communication service platform, assisting in the high-quality development of the medical and health industry. The main tasks of the Health Communication Index Research Institute include: building and operating a large database of health communication, formulating an evaluation index system for health communication indices, regularly releasing reports on health communication indices, organizing health communication forums, and providing data and strategic consulting services for the medical and health industry.

Mr. Mao Qun-an, Director of the Planning, Development and Information Technology Department of the National Health Commission, pointed out in his keynote speech that popularizing health knowledge is the foundation of the "Healthy China 2030" Outline and the "Healthy China Action (2019-2030)". "Since the implementation of the Healthy China strategy and the Healthy China Action, we have been paying attention to health popularization and health communication." Director Mao stated that the introduction of relevant health communication indices will provide a very objective evaluation of the environment, information sources, and public acceptance of health communication. The Office of the Leading Group for the Healthy China Action will fully support relevant index research and promptly use research results in the guidance of work processes.

Mr. Zhou Qiqun, General Manager of Ipsos Consumer Technology Research Institute, pointed out that the health industry plays an irreplaceable role in guaranteeing and improving people's quality of life and promoting comprehensive economic and cultural development in today's social and economic development process. Digital communication is a paradigm shift in human civilization brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, characterized by the co-creation value of audience participation. Therefore, digital health communication itself has surpassed communication and participated in the co-construction process of social values. Ipsos Consumer Technology Research Institute is willing to contribute its many years of research experience in the technology industry to the development of digital health communication in the era of artificial intelligence.

Li Chengkai, Founder of Health Kai Ge, stated that the Health Communication Index Research Institute will play a core role as an innovative think tank in the future, becoming an important think tank for policy formulation and a guiding benchmark for industry development. With the continuous iteration and upgrade of health industry indices, it will depict the development status, potential dynamics, and improvement space of the Chinese health industry more objectively and accurately, guiding the entire industry towards a direction of higher quality and vitality.

Gao Wei, a national advanced worker in science popularization, gave a keynote speech on "Leveraging the Advantages of New Media to Promote the Dissemination of Medical Science Knowledge". He said: "As a doctor, the number of patients we can treat in the hospital every day is limited. In clinical work, I have seen too many tragedies caused by incorrect understanding of diseases and lack of emergency skills. Through medical science popularization, through the Internet, more people can understand disease knowledge and master technical skills. Through medical science popularization, I have successfully saved more than 300 lives in reality. I think this is something I can do that is better than just being a doctor in the emergency department. I want to say that I have always wanted to do popular science throughout my life."

During the roundtable discussion, experts including Wang Dianbin, Executive Dean of the Chinese Food Innovation Institute of China Food Newspaper, Xu Wenqing, Director of the China Urban Influence Lab, Chen Liqi, Researcher of the Management Series of the Medical School of Peking University and Professor of Medical Genetics, Yang Binyan, Director of the Media Investigation Center of the Institute of Journalism and Communication of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Guo Xiaobo, Senior Vice President of Zhongyan Technology · Questionnaire Network, and Zhang Xi, General Manager of SERI Index, had a wonderful exchange.

Wang Yingquan, Editor in Chief of the People's Health Channel of the National Health Commission and Medical Forum Network, summarized the speech with the theme of "Building an Influential Health Communication Platform". He introduced that health and development are the cornerstone of human society's survival and progress. The establishment of the Health Communication Index Research Institute will adapt to the overall trend of health communication internationally and domestically, efficiently disseminate scientifically standardized medical and health knowledge to real users, deeply embed it in their hearts, and translate it into action, truly implementing the concept of "everyone is responsible for their own health". Wang Yingquan, the General Editor, stated, "We will vigorously promote the construction of a platform (the People's Health National Digital Health Service Platform composed of CHTV and its integrated media matrix), a think tank (the Health Communication Index Research Institute), a forum (Health Communication Forum), and a system (gathering talents from all over the world to jointly build a mechanism and system for promoting health communication), breakthrough from deep integration of AI, and forge ahead with determination, pushing forward the cause of public health communication steadily and far."

SSS Media
3 months ago - 0 likes

Qingdao Doublestar’s acquisition plan for Kumho Tire has been unveiled, with anticipated consolidated revenue exceeding 10 billion yuan after the merger.The highly anticipated “largest overseas M&A in the Chinese tire industry” has finally seen its sequel. On April 9th, Qingdao Doublestar announced the disclosure of the transaction plan, intending to acquire 45% of the shares of Kumho Tire Co., Ltd. (KUMHO TIRE CO., INC.) through the issuance of shares plus a small amount of cash, and to raise funds of up to 800 million yuan to pay for cash consideration, supplement working capital, or repay debts. Industry insiders believe that after this transaction is completed, Kumho Tire will become a subsidiary of Qingdao Doublestar and is expected to provide assistance to Qingdao Doublestar in terms of operational performance, industry scale, R&D level, market expansion, brand influence, etc.It is reported that Kumho Tire has set its sales target for 2024 at 4.56 trillion Korean won (approximately 24.5 billion yuan), with a year-on-year increase in revenue of about 520 billion Korean won. Based on this data, Kumho Tire’s revenue in 2024 will be 2.1 times that of 2020, equivalent to adding another “Kumho Tire” in four years, which will provide stable support for Qingdao Doublestar’s medium and long-term operational performance.Since Qingdao Doublestar took control of Kumho Tire in 2018, it has established a multinational governance model guided by a “community of interests,” significantly improving Kumho Tire’s operating conditions through enhancing product competitiveness, expanding localized sales networks, and continuously optimizing costs. According to Kumho Tire’s disclosed financial data for 2023, the company’s operating income exceeded 4 trillion Korean won (approximately 21.9 billion yuan), an 86% increase over 2020; operating profit was 411 billion Korean won (approximately 2.2 billion yuan), a 1677% increase over 2022, both reaching historic highs.According to Qingdao Doublestar’s disclosure of the 2023 annual report, the company’s operating income was approximately 4.7 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 19%. This indicates that after this asset restructuring is completed, Qingdao Doublestar’s operating income, net profit, and other indicators are expected to be significantly optimized.Currently, Kumho Tire has become a leading global supplier for new energy vehicle manufacturers, with its high-performance, high-quality products ranking at the forefront in product testing in Europe and the United States. In recent years, Doublestar and Kumho Tire have joined hands to build a global production capacity layout, continuously promoting international business to higher levels and deeper fields, enhancing international competitiveness.Responsible Editor: Liu Canbang

SSS Media
3 months ago - 0 likes

On April 1st, the national standard "GB/T 21648-2023 Metal Wire Woven Mesh" revised by YKM Metal Mesh Co., Ltd. officially came into effect. This standard was originally published in 2008 and this is its first revision. Compared to GB/T 21648-2008, besides structural adjustments and editorial changes, there are also 8 major technical changes.

This revision marks the second national standard led by YKM. As early as 2019, YKM led the revision of the national standard for square mesh. With 40 years of experience in the metal wire mesh industry, YKM has been dedicated to research and development, continuously enhancing the company's core competitiveness. Externally, they are promoting the establishment and improvement of wire mesh standards, aiming to ensure product quality, promote technological innovation, improve production efficiency, and drive the healthy development of the industry.