We’re Dunc & Soph. For the past 3 years, we've been travelling Australia, throwing ourselves in the deep end of uncomfortability, spearfishing, living remote, living as much we can during this crazy short life we’ve been given. We're road-tripping through every state, following the sun around Australia. We realised life is frustratingly short, and with modern-day tech and remote working now a thing, why not? And (as Soph says) with kids on the horizon, we came to the conclusion: IF NOT NOW then... when?
Through our videos, we hope to show you some of the most beautiful places in Australia (and soon overseas!) and inspire you to explore more of our own backyard. Plus, we think it’ll be pretty cool to have something to show the grandkids one day.
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See you on the road?!
Dunc & Soph x