Welcome to the True_LivingWords Channel 😊
This channel presents daily devotional and motivational contents based on Biblical teaching. The main focus of this channel is to share the Gospel (Good News) from the Bible: We're saved by Grace alone, through Faith alone, in Christ alone, so that all glory only to God alone 🙏.
Hopefully, this channel can be a source of inspiration and motivation for us to live a better and blessed life especially as a Christian as we grow in faith and love unto Jesus Christ, our Lord. Let's become a light and a salt for this world by proclaim the true Gospel, God's glory and love 😊
Be thankful, enjoy the process, and never give up!
Just do the best & let God do the rest 🙏😊
Thank you all, for watching & subcribing this channel 🙏. God bless you!❤️