Why do I like gardening? My grandmother is responsible for that answer. During the summer months when I was a child, I would stay with her in south Alabama. She would always tend to her garden. I begged to help water the garden, because at that age shooting water from a garden hose was a pretty cool thing. I learned vicariously through watching her. I learned through her mannerisms as she worked the ground, sowed seed, and harvested the fruits from her labor. When I am in my garden, it brings back all the great times her and I had in her garden.
Since then, some 30 years ago, she has since passed. 2017 to be exact. I feel I owe it to her spirit that I grow a garden every year. I do it to honor a great teacher without knowing she was a teacher.
You're going to see some mistakes. But, you'll also see some pretty cool stuff. I've got a lot of ideas for blog posts and videos for content that I'll be sharing and hope that you get a little something out of it.