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1.7K subscribers - no pronouns :c

Husky antics and motorbike vlogging in Australia.

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Posted 4 months ago

Tikaani at 7 weeks isn't a cute little puppy anymore. But she still has the same proportions just a lot bigger.

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Posted 1 year ago

I'm planning a trip to the USA in a few years and want to put together an itinerary and work out costs. Can you help? The plan is to land in Dallas TX, fly to Florida to see Bonnie and the Waterwolves. Things I want to do is visit WV, which I'll probably hire a car, go to NYC for a day as I've never seen a big city, probably bus it to Detroit to see friends, drive up north to Saginaw area, but not actually go to Saginaw. Would like to see Crystal but not sure if my mates car is allowed in Canada so might just bus it. Fly to give Alyeska a hug and then down to San Fan to see the trolley's and wicked hills they climb. Love to pop in to see a really old Fifi in Ohio. Planning about 6 months for the trip. Any suggestions on what to see\do would be appreciated. I know I'm thinking ahead, some 4 years but I have to calculate spent ETC. Reason for the WV excursion is to look at houses\apartments to buy.

10 - 16

Posted 1 year ago

We got too play with Samoyed Toby this morning. He kept kissing Tikaani and he got told off that he was giving too many kisses. He was so excited falling all over Tikaani it was lovely to see. Sadly couldn't record it as we were in his house with the whole family. Tikaani got so many pats by everyone except the son who was working on his new bike. An absolute beautiful start to the day.

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Posted 1 year ago

Would anyone be interested in me speaking about PTSD? I will include some of my experiences in Afghanistan and Iraq but not in specific detail as I don't want too get in trouble. I'll include how I cope and my daily struggles too keep going. This won't just be for Vets but also for anyone who suffers from PTSD or severe anxiety.

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Posted 1 year ago

Just letting everyone know I saw Azure the Samoyed this morning. She is still with us. Looks like she is on different medication and getting her legs wrapped. Brave girl still hanging on.

Dìreach a’ leigeil fios don h-uile duine chunnaic mi Azure the Samoyed madainn an-diugh. Tha i còmhla rinn fhathast. Tha e coltach gu bheil i air diofar chungaidh-leigheis agus a’ faighinn a casan air am pasgadh. Nighean gaisgeil fhathast an crochadh.

Uncail Tormod tha i a’ dèanamh ceart gu leòr

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Posted 2 years ago

New Years Eve for us and I'm watching Piggy TV. Happy New Year everyone. Lets make 2023 Great.

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Posted 2 years ago

If anyone wants me to translate the commentary on my vids into German or Russian please let me know. I can try French but it will only be school French. German is what us kids used to speak at home, my Russian is a bit rusty.

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Posted 3 years ago

Don't worry I am reading your comments. They may not be coming up on the video but they are on the Bell. YouTube isn't letting me reply to them as it believes they don't exist.

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Posted 3 years ago

Tikaani's birthday is on the 15th. I would love everyone who can to buy a toy and give it to your local shelter. They really appreciate it, even if its just a tennis ball. If you wish you can send Tikaani a birthday present to PO Box 11385 Barunggam Country. Centenary Heights, Qld Australia 4350

9 - 3

Posted 3 years ago

Sorry for the delay in my latest videos. YouTube is taking a couple of days to process the uploads.

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