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Medina Raptor Center

183 subscribers - no pronouns :c

Established in 1990, the Medina Raptor Center is now one of

WE DID IT!!! #polarvortex #birds #VOLUNTEERPOWER We did it! 32 birds safe and sound! #amazing #teamwork #teamworkmakesthedreamwork Jaime and Jackie give an explanation. #education #birds #helpustohelpthem Cedar Waxwings enjoying American Beautyberries. #birds #berries #nature #natural Rousing #education #birds #redtailedhawk #helpustohelpthem #helpingwildlife #helpingnature EAT YOUR BRUSSEL SPROUTS! #YUMMY #vegetables #crow WHO EATS THIS KIND OF SALAD? DROP YOUR GUESS IN THE COMMENTS More volunteers and what they do! #volunteer #volunteering #yuck VOLUNTEERS!!!! #helpingwildlife #cold #helpustohelpthem Roger shares his thoughts on MRC! #birds #volunteer #helpingwildlife Snowy day at the Raptor Center #snow #snowfall #helpustohelpthem Danielle shares her thoughts :) #birds #volunteer #volunteering MORE BEHIND THE SCENES! FEATURING REBECCA AND ETHAN. #volunteer #birds #ourteam WHAT'S IN THE BOX!?!?!?! #yikes #present #ohio #funny Happy New Year!!! Enjoy a few patients that were helped by MRC this year! #new year #birds #2024 BEHIND THE SCENES WITH SOME VOLUNTEERS OF MRC! #birds #volunteers #ourteam RELEASED!!! #helpustohelpthem #NATURE #birds Merry Christmas from all of us to all of you! #merrychristmas #joy #love #itschristmas NEW PATIENT! #owl #owlrescue #screechowl BABY, IT'S COLD! #helpustohelpthem #nature #redtailedhawk Waiting for their dinner is for the BIRDS!!!! #hungry #hungryeyes #horse #donkey Mealworm playtime for Onyx! #helpustohelpthem #crow #enrichment You Can't Fool ONYX the Crow! #crow #enrichment #fun Too cold for outside playtime. Indoor enrichment! #cold #crow #enrichment This sunset!!!! INCREDIBLE! #hoistthecolors #sunset #colors Today is a GREAT day! #helpustohelpthem #birds #animalcharity Red-shouldered Hawk hit by car is back where she belongs! #birds #hawk #survival Grounded due to electrocution to back in the sky! #eagles #survival #survivor Another Eagle Back in the Sky! #eagle #eagles #release Great Horned Owl Rehab. You've got to see the transformation!! #greathornedowl #rehabilitation #bird Rehab is tough #rehabilitation #wildliferehab #birds Splish Splash Bath time! #crow #water #bathtimebliss #splash Who knew all Onyx needs is a box @jasonadams8633 Hard work to make continuous improvements! #concrete #hardwork #wildlife Teamwork makes the dream work! #team #concrete #hardwork Boris the Barred Owl with Abby! #owl #beautiful #sunshine Office work with a 'scarf' #cat #fashion #calico The work at our facility is endless! #helpustohelpthem #ohio #hardwork Bald Eagle Rehabilitation #baldeagle #rehabilitation #birds Great Horned Owl rehabilitation Red-tailed Hawk Release Waterproofing in birds