I started this channel because of my relatively new found interest in public videography and how it applies to our Conversation and the 1st. Amendment. I will be exercising that 1st. Amendment, The right to Free Press to Video documenting my life, with my cell phone and or action camera as I explore as much of the public United States of America as I can, and much more, I'm sure. I intend to share it with you all. This will be for all intents and purposes be a Public Tour of the so-called Free United States of America.
I anticipate we will have interesting interaction within the government employees and the general public as well along the way. Hopefully all in witch will be positive. I will do my best to stand on this 1st. Amendment Rights if and when need be to bring this content to you all. I will show you the good, the bad, and the ugly with you. I hope you subscribe and join me on this journey wherever it might take use. Thank you..