This channel Addresses the needs of anyone with Dyslexia. Dyslexia is one of the most undiagnosed and under-identified learning challenges in our school system today and often can be rectified with simple movements. Our largest audience is adults - still making sense of their diagnosis. If this is you, these movements will help you perform at your pinnacle of perfection. If you are a parent of a child and you are dealing with the gut wrenching dilemma of how to help your child, these movements can be done at home and at school. If you are a family struggling with IEPs, Individualized Education Plans, 504 Plans, and Attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder ( ADHD), Our Website can be a valuable resource, including free downloads, and this channel can provide quick and easy help. Please, also accept any and all help your school is willing to provide.
Karen (Elizabeth) Miscisin