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Messiah 2030

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Dozens of Biblical prophecies not only point to the exact ye

Messiah 2030
54 minutes ago - 10 likes


ROMANIAN PDF translation of Messiah 2030 ~ The Prophetic Messianic Timeline - Part 2 is now available at

Messiah 2030
6 days ago - 82 likes

Shabbat shalom!...ROMANIAN PDF translation of Messiah 2030 ~ The Prophetic Messianic Timeline - Part 1 is now available at

Messiah 2030
1 week ago - 335 likes

DID YOU KNOW?... While Messiah Yeshua said he did not know the DAY AND HOUR of his return we now know that he knew the DAY.

Matthew 24:20
Pray that your flight may not be in winter or on a Sabbath.

We reason that the Messiah must destroy the Antichrist on Yom Kippur (presumably 2030), 1290 days after the Abomination of Desolation. At that point, based on the Messiah's words, the calculation of the Abomination of Desolation is just math.

1290 days before Yom Kippur 2030 is the day of Firstfruits, which will be the FIRST day AFTER the Sabbath which is the FIRST SABBATH that is AFTER winter (see Matthew 24:20). Coincidence?

And it appears that Paul figured it out as well...

In 2 Thessalonians 2, Paul talks about the revealing of the Antichrist, and then he suddenly and cleverly injects the context of Firstfruits:

2 Thessalonians 2:13
But we ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers beloved by the Lord, because God chose you as the firstfruits to be saved, through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth.

This is important because Messiah knew that the first 3.5 years of the 70th week would conclude at his resurrection on Firstfruits, he also knew that the final 3.5 years must then resume also on Firstfruits for his second coming.

Much more to come...

Thank you to all who support and share the Messiah 2030 Project, making this work and future productions possible:

The Messiah 2030 Project

Messiah 2030
3 weeks ago - 97 likes

Translation Update: New French Translation Now Available

Messiah 2030 ~ The Prophetic Messianic Timeline - Part 3 transcript is now viable in French at:

Messiah 2030
1 month ago - 480 likes

Question to The Messiah 2030 Project:

"I’m reaching out with a question that plagues me now that I know about the 2030 prophetic timeline. I’m sure many people have the same thought, but I’m curious as to how you go about your daily life considering that chaos, tribulation, and the end is so near?

Many of us are raised to live for the future, and I feel almost frozen knowing that the Great Tribulation is most likely so close. I’m rethinking all things, from money to vacations to work to how I spend my time. I’m approaching 30, so there’s still so much life ahead of me, and I’m just wondering how you balance the fact that the Day of the Lord is upon us with normal life.

I’m not asking you to direct me, but I’m genuinely curious because your videos changed my life. I love supporting your ministry. Any insight you can provide would be greatly appreciated!"


Thank you for contacting The Messiah 2030 Project. We have been working on this project since 2011. We have had a general idea of the Messianic timeline since 2009 based on a few scriptural insights. In 2015, as data and insight increased, we were about 50% confident and made plans to begin releasing presentations at the right time. We began testing presentations of the content with various audiences, which helped determine the best presentation format and design for easier digestion. By 2020 we were 80% confident and we began to see, with great transparency and boldness, the beast system proudly displaying her grand plan, and not only being right on time, but astoundingly with a timeline end point that is the exact same as the Messianic timeline that we find in the scriptures. The beast system almost appears to be blatantly and intentionally mocking the Messianic timeline by clearly advertising a global antichrist agenda with all expected Biblical components in place, and most astonishingly, a broadcasted 2030 expiration date of the plans. By 2023 we were 98% confident. At this point we were substantially less concerned that we are wrong, and tremendously concerned that we are right. The presentation schedule was then put into motion.

We say that to note that we have had the advantage of spiritually and mentally processing this over a period of years. All who are being presented this firehose of information in such a short period of time and can successfully understand it and process it, despite the western obstacles of doctrinal biases and creative Christian eschatological programing, must find it all to be absolutely overwhelming, and we have not even come close to releasing everything yet. We know that we have suffered through a few panic attacks ourselves from time to time and we then spiritually recalibrate. Yet, this is a good thing that pushes us to adjust our focus.

We absolutely understand the concerns. We also have children, jobs, friends, family, ambitions, etc. We are not unique in that capacity. None of us are. For years now, despite our confidence level, we have simply done our best to plan for two possible paths, one in which Messiah is returning soon, with the tribulation beginning in 2027, and one in which we have made a grievous error in our own understanding. Balancing the two approaches is not easy. As we are now closer, we take some relief in knowing that we will all definitively know the validity of the timeline in less than three years. In the meantime, all our available time and resources that we have available are being injected into The Messiah 2030 Project, as we see it as one of the last chances to make a critical difference. 2030 or not, we need to see a spiritual fire lit with God’s people. We need to seek YHWH and fall on our faces and cry out to him with all genuine sincerity and urgency.

In the end, regardless of the “how” and “when,” the end result for all of us is the same. In the faith, as promised, we and all of creation will all be restored back to perfection, and our purpose of existence, which is to give glory to YHWH in his perfect will for us, for all of eternity, will be made fully manifest. So, in that light, we keep our eye on our primary eternal purpose and do our best to help those in the faith navigate the current uncertainty before us, all while hopefully affording some prophetic clarity. Our main focus is to bring as many into the faith as we can in other aspects of work we do outside of The Messiah 2030 Project and encourage all to just the same.

While we all, in theory, might have so much life ahead of us this side of the resurrection, more importantly perhaps, we all have eternity ahead of us, and we all have a grander purpose before us. Purpose is what the whole world seeks, but real purpose simply does not exist without God. Now is the time to not only recognize our purpose of existence, but to put that purpose into action with all of our heart and mind and strength, with such an intensity that the world raises its eyebrows and asks “what is going on?”

Our purpose is to not live our best life now, that is the world’s purpose. Our purpose is to live our best life later. That is God’s purpose. And with that big picture in perspective, when we enter eternity at the first resurrection, it will not matter if we had a good life or a bad life. With all of the distractions around us catering to all of our wants and desires, that really is something that might be really profound for some to consider, and we must even remind ourselves of this daily, because the distractions are strong. The only thing that will matter in the end is how well we followed our Messiah’s example, and in that light, we always find that we ourselves have so much to learn and apply in our own lives, and we expect most would find themselves in a similar position if conducting a spiritual audit.

With that, just as our Messiah said, we encourage all to watch and be ready and reach the lost as if time is short, with patience and kindness, not arrogance or pride. Let’s focus on loving God and loving others in all that we do and not let our own hearts decide for us on how to do just that, as man’s hearts are corrupt and self serving, but allow Messiah Yeshua tell us how exactly how to love God and love others, as we should all seek to conform to his image daily and walk as he walked. If we all do exactly that, we will all do well, and we will all be amazed when we watch what happens.

Messiah 2030
1 month ago - 128 likes

Are you bilingual? We may need your help!

There is great demand for translations of the PDF transcripts/slides of our presentations. We are looking for those who are fluent in English and another language, and are reasonably familiar with the basics of MS Word and MS Powerpoint.

Our PDF transcripts in English and other languages are available for free download at

We are urgently seeking the following translations:

Portuguese - Part 3
German - Part 3
Spanish - Parts 2 & 3

We are also seeking translations into all other languages for parts 1-3

If you would like to be a part of bringing these presentations to the nations, please contact us directly at and request access to our "Translator Toolkit."

Thank you to all for the support and sharing these presentations so that they can be considered by all in the faith.

Blessings and shalom

-The Messiah 2030 Project

Messiah 2030
1 month ago - 275 likes

In Matthew 24:36 isn’t Jesus referring to the sentence right before it (Matthew 24:35) as the day and hour that no man knows? That day refers to the destruction of Heaven and earth after the Millennium.

Let’s read Matthew 24:36

Matthew 24:36
“But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.

As the question implies, some have been teaching that verse 36, as the day and hour that no one knows, is referring immediately back to verse 35, when Heaven and earth will pass away. Thus, the day and hour that no one knows is not actually referring to the return of Messiah, but instead is referring to the day that Heaven and earth will pass away, some 1,000 years later.

Matthew 24:35
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.

On the surface this understanding grammatically makes a tremendous amount of sense, but only if we only focus on only these two verses. When we include the rest of the surrounding context, before and after verse 36, we know that this interpretation cannot be possible.


Just after the “day and hour no one knows statement,” in verse 36 we find that in verses 37-44 our Messiah begins connecting his return with the days of Noah.

We should note that the prophetic connection to the days of Noah that is made is very specific. That is, in the same way that those outside of the faith had no idea that judgment was coming and were surprised by the flood, we will also see that unbelievers in end times will also not know the hour when the Messiah is returning and will likewise be surprised by the judgment of the Messiah.

That is exactly how our Messiah teaches his return will be like the days of Noah. Believers will know about the upcoming judgment and unbelievers will not know. The Messiah does not connect the days of Noah to his return in any other way, contrary to the creative speculations of many.

Then, we are told in verses 45-51, that contrary to the faithful and wise servant fed at the proper time, the wicked servant will not know the day or the hour that Messiah Yeshua is returning.

Matthew 24:50
the master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he does not know

So here we learn, in context, that unbelievers will not know the day and hour of the Messiah’s second coming in advance.

Thus, as Matthew 24:36 declares, while no one is supposed to know the day and hour in the first century, we are to understand from the complete context of Matthew 24, and in other verses in the New Testament, such as in 1 Thessalonians 5:4 or Revelation 3:3, that believers will eventually know the day in advance, while unbelievers will still be completely surprised.

Matthew 24:36 then cannot refer to the mentioning of Heaven and earth passing away in the previous verse in verse 35. Once Heaven and earth has passed away Messiah will have already returned about 1,000 years earlier.

If verse 36 was only referring back to verse 35, it would be quite odd that “not knowing the day and hour” in verse 36 is referring to after the 1,000-year reign, but not knowing the day and hour just a few verses later is clearly connected to the Messiah's coming before the 1,000 year reign. In that interpretation there would be two different events and two different moments in which the day and hour are not known, but spoken of in the same context. That should be considered the least likely interpretation.

So, contextually speaking, based on verses 37-51 we know that the day and hour that no one knows must relate to the coming of Messiah Yeshua.

Matthew 24:50
the master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he does not know

So, how are we do understand this while using the immediate context of Matthew 24:36?

Matthew 24:33-36
So also, when you see all these things, you know that he is near, at the very gates. Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only.

The generation that sees all of these things take place, which is referring to all of the things from the verses prior, will be those that see the return of the Messiah.

For 2,000 years we have seen the destruction of the temple, we have seen famines, we have seen wars and rumors of wars, we have seen earthquakes in various places, and we have seen increased lawlessness, and specific to all of those things the Messiah said “but the end is not yet.” (Matthew 24:6)

But what we have not yet seen is the final abomination of desolation that leads to the 3.5-year Great Tribulation.

Once we see the abomination of desolation and the Great Tribulation, we will know that he is near, even at the very gates. The generation that sees the abomination of desolation and the Great Tribulation will also be the generation that will see the return of the Messiah.

Thus, to be consistent with what we also read in verses 37-51, the “day and hour no one knows” is referring back, in context, to verses 33-34, which is referring to the return of the Messiah, and verse 35 is simply an interjection of the context.

Matthew 24:33-34
So also, when you see all these things, you know that he is near, at the very gates. Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.

At the time of the abomination of desolation, the day will certainly be known to those in the faith as the starting timelines of the 1260, 1290 and 1335 days will be firmly established, and is also what we are also waiting for to confirm or reject the validity of the Messiah 2030 ~ The Prophetic Messianic Timeline series.

This is a good example that we cannot and should not simply blindly trust teachers at their word. It is easy to take two sentences and create a short convincing presentation and place it on YouTube. Everything must be tested back to the Word, and we expect all to do the same to our presentations as well.

Messiah 2030
1 month ago - 215 likes

There is a 7-day wedding feast tradition AND a 3-day wedding feast tradition. Both apply.


There are exactly 10 days between and inclusive of Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur, called the "Days of Awe" by tradition.

This period is reserved for the wrath of God (bowls) that are poured out and conclude on the day of judgment (Yom Kippur). Those days will certainly be full of “awe.”

Also, by tradition, the Jewish marriage ceremony is 3 days for the previously married and 7 days for the previously unmarried. That is a 3 and a 7 by the way for those that know what that timestamp means as revealed in Messiah 2030 Part 1 & Part 2 (3rd and 7th day).

The house of Israel was divorced Jeremiah 3:8 and needs to come back into covenant.

That is the “3.”

Gentiles are previously unmarried and come into covenant.

That is the "7."

7 + 3 is also 10 for the 10 days of awe. Isaiah 26 talks about that is when we are taken into the [bridal] chambers after the resurrection when the “short” period (i.e. 10 days) of wrath (bowls) are poured out.

We are taken into the “chambers” for 10 days for the 10 days of wrath that follows the Great Tribulation and return of our Messiah on Yom Teruah 2030.

This is why Messiah Yeshua said that the days are "cut short" in Matthew 24.

The 1290 days ends on Yom Kippur 2030, but Messiah Yeshua takes reign on Yom Teruah 2030, after the tribulation but before the wrath. Thus, the days are "cut short" for those in the faith (Matthew 24:22( so that we do not have to experience the global wrath/judgment of the nations.

Messiah 2030
1 month ago - 168 likes


We know that the two witnesses arrive AFTER the abomination of desolation, because the 7th trumpet ends the tribulation (see part 2).

The two witnesses die at the 2nd woe/6th trumpet and the 3rd woe/7th trumpet (see the 3/7 of the last trumpet which connects to the 3rd and 7th day?)

Revelation 11:14
The second woe has passed; behold, the third woe is SOON to come.

The two witnesses also are "caught up" at the 7th trumpet just as we are.

Revelation 11:12-13
Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, “Come up here!” And they went up to heaven in a cloud, and their enemies watched them. And at that hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city fell. Seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake, and the rest were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven.

Messiah 2030
1 month ago - 297 likes

The 3.5 year tribulation begins at the abomination of desolation. It ends when the antichrist is destroyed (Daniel 9:27b) and the first resurrection (rapture))(1 Thes 4:15-18/Revelation 20) occurs at the second coming of Messiah.

Daniel 12

Tribulation and then resurrection
(1-2) “At that time shall arise Michael, the great prince who has charge of your people. (Tribulation) And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time. (Resurrection) But at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone whose name shall be found written in the book. And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

How long is this tribulation that ends with the resurrection?
(7) it would be for a time, times, and half a time, and that when the shattering of the power of the holy people comes to an end all these things would be finished.

When does it start? It starts when the regular burnt offering is taken away, which is also called the abomination of desolation.
(11) And from the time that the regular burnt offering is taken away and the abomination that makes desolate is set up, there shall be 1,290 days.

This is the same thing Messiah Yeshua told us.

Matthew 24

First, the abomination of desolation:
(15) “So when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand)

Which begins the tribulation:
(21) For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be.

After the tribulation is the second coming and first resurrection
(29-31) “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

The 3.5 years ends with the first resurrection (rapture), as is the pattern:

-There were 3.5 years, and then Elijah was “caught up.”

-Messiah Yeshua’s ministry was 3.5 years and then he was “caught up.”

-The Two Witnesses will provide testimony for 3.5 years and then they will be “caught up.”

During the 3.5-year tribulation, after we clearly see the abomination of desolation, those who are awake will take part in what is called the Greater or Second Exodus (Ezekiel 20/Revelation 12/Jeremiah 16:14-15) in which we will be protected for 3.5 years. Then the rapture (first resurrection) will occur at the Messiah's coming on Yom Teruah 2030 after the tribulation period and before the wrath. Wrath and tribulation are two different things with two different purposes. Tribulation is a call to repentance. Wrath is punishment for a lack of repentance. The two cannot and do not occur at the same time. Thus, the rapture is after the tribulation and before the wrath.

We are then taken into the "chambers" during the short period of wrath (bowls) following the first resurrection (Isaiah 26). The nations face judgment on Yom Kippur 2030. We exit the chambers and enter the land for the 1,000-year reign of Messiah Yeshua. Part 4 will cover this all in much greater detail.