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I upload my weekly Shinys or some cool Pokémon I got in poke

Excellent! #pokemongo  How evil am I? 1-10? #regret #bidoof Finally got guaranteed ✨🪩SHINY MEW🪩✨ | NO WAY! SHUNDO??! #shinymew #pokemongo #shiny #rare YES Finally! I got my favorite ✨shiny✨#pokemongo #shiny #dream Week 8 ✨SHINYS✨| subscribe for more weekly pokemon go content 🕺 Week 7 SHINYS! 😴 #shiny #pokemongo #weekly #rare My avatar is just a icon!!??? #pokemongo #glich Reached level 40 from girafarig spotlight hour!!! #pokemongo #level40 Gotten all the increased Shinys from the Paldea Event!! Which ones have you got? Some of my best Pokémon! | subscribe to get ✨ #bestof #pokemongo #shinys Week 6 ✨SHINYS✨🥳 #pokemongo #shinys #weekly #castform Another success on CHARMANDER COM DAY!!!! #comday #shiny #pokemongo #charmander MY SHINYS FROM GOBAL GO FEST!!!! | Best event of the year!!!! #gofest2023 #pokemongo #shiny #rare JUST HACHED SHINY MAGMA!!!! And got shiny magmotar into the Pokédex #shiny #egg #insane Just hatched my second LARVESTA!!!! #pokemongo #larvesta #egg Uhhhhhhh….. what’s happening???? #pokemongo #glitch THE MOST LEGENDARY TRADE OF ALL TRADES!!!🫨🤯🏆🦸💪 #pokemongo #luckytrade #bidoof #god Just caught JIRACHI!!! #pokemon go #mythical WEEK 5 SHINYS!!!😪 #pokemongo #weekly #shiny Shiny trade TURNED OUT LUCKY!! #shiny #trade #pokemongo #luckytrade Another success on froakie com day!!! #pokemongo #communityday #shiny JUST GOT SHINY SHADOW ARTICUNO!!! #pokemongo #shiny #firstraiders #articuno Nine 7k eggs with boosted shiny odds #pokemongo #eggs #fossils  Couldn’t finish first raid 😫 couldn’t catch second 😩#unlucky #pokemongo #legendary MY MOM USED HER MB TO CATCH A ZAPTOS| FIRST SPAWN!!! #pokemongo #zaptos #masterball SHINY CATCHING WEEK 4 #shiny #pokemongo #weekly Rewards I got from showcase! #pokemongo #rewards TWO GALARIAN MOLTRES ON THE SAME INCENSE!!! | plus some more rare spawns #pokemongo #moltres #rare GETTING 98% SHINY FROM LUCKY TRADE!! #pokemongo #shiny #luckytrade My shiny collection! Like to get shiny luck! #collection #shiny #pokemongo JUST GOT HUNDO FROM EGG! And mega evolved it #pokemongo #hundo Most Shinys I got in a community day! #pokemongo #shiny #communityday Shiny catching week 3 | Two shiny fossils and their evolutions caught in one day! #pokemongo #shiny FIRST SPAWN ON DAILY INCENSE!! #articuno #pokemongo #rare  My favorite shinys I own! | Got any better than this? #pokemongo #shiny #bestpokemon [Shiny catching week 2] SHINY EVENT PIKACHU!!!! #pokemongo #shiny #pikachu Was it worth it? #pokemongo #hundo Full-Odd Shinys week 1 #pokemongo #shiny