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What's Therapy?

49K subscribers - no pronouns set

Sometimes art is just a guy talking at you? If you would li

What's Therapy?
4 weeks ago - 82 likes

Sup gamers, hope you're doing well. Just a little self promotion...if you want to hear the ongoing podcast I've been doing for Youtube members and Patreon supporters, feel free to toss a few bucks towards the channel via either way, and you can enjoy the 57th episode, from this past Sunday, along with all the prior ones. It's kind of funny and weird, and interesting. You can check out two public episodes at

O.K. that's pretty much it. Oh yea and I'm getting somewhat close to 50k subs, it'll be another month or two, but we'll do a fun stream then, so that'll be cool.

What's Therapy?
1 month ago - 20 likes

Check out the new vid by Snaps, she's a friend of the channel and makes extremely good vids!

What's Therapy?
1 month ago - 16 likes

Good morning/afternoon/night/middlemorning fellow humans. Remember how I want to share more cool videos with my little channel here? Well here's a cool one by a great channel @Sarcasmitron that scratches a unique itch for me by providing detailed analyses of connections between current events and historical events. I recommend a lot of the videos on this channel and have found them entertaining and interesting, while being as balanced as possible in covering contentious subjects. Let me know if my recommendations ever lead you to want to give me a recommendation, also, because frankly I would love to find other thorough and funny channels like this. Have a good one!